[Thailand(泰国)] Koh Lipe -- AKIRA LIPE RESORT (丽贝岛 -- AKIRA LIPE RESORT)
我们3天2夜丽贝岛的住宿就是 ---- AKIRA LIPE RESORT
AKIRA LIPE RESORT 就位于泰国丽贝岛 最热闹的海边 PATTAYA BEACH。 从酒店走路去 walking street 也只需要3分钟,非常的近。 走出酒店,就可以看到一望无际的海边。
PATTAYA BEACH 停泊着很多快艇 & LONG TAIL BOAT,所以只能在围起来的地方游泳比较安全。 酒店门口正正就是适合下海游泳,不需要再走到去别的地方,而且也提供了冲洗的淋浴头,非常方便。 AKIRA LIPE RESORT 有两个泳池,一个是对着海边的户外泳池,那边有poolside bar提供饮品&音乐,在那边游泳可以一边享受音乐,一边看着海边,人生一大爽事啊。
另一个泳池就是连着酒店房间的,也就是我们这次入住的Gold Access Room,从房间就可以直接跳进去泳池了,在这里就算呆个10天不出去我也觉得很OK!
因为我们去的时候是非常的炎热,大致上我们都窝在房间享受冷气,不然就是跳下泳池戏水。 整个旅程75%都呆在酒店房间里了,因为这次我们是走享老模式,完全就是没计划,随便走走随便吃吃。
AKIRA LIPE RESORT 分别有3种房型,分别是:Silver Suite Room | Gold Access Room | Diamond Bungalow 大家可以依照自己的喜好来选择。
总结一下我对这次入住的酒店(5粒 ★ 满):
房间 :★★★★ 【房间非常的大,我觉得入住4个人没问题,而且还有附送免费WIFI】
清洁 :★★★ 【房间和厕所都OK,可是我注意到灯饰那边他们没有打扫干净,上面积 了灰尘,这要注意一下咯~】
环境 :★★★★ 【一出房门就可看到花草树木,几步就到海边】
价格 :★★★ 【价格对我这个普通市民来说有点不可爱,可是完全没后悔,值得!】
服务 :★★★★ 【服务人员有礼貌,有问必答。最后一天要出岛,check out的时候工作人员也 会帮忙搬行李到immigration那儿】
早餐 :★★★ 【早餐觉得普通了一点,可是餐厅对着海边,可以一边吃一边享受海浪风声】
推荐 :★★★★★ 【个人非常满意这次入住的酒店,如果各位有相中这次的酒店就敢敢预定吧】
我是通过AGODA预定的,AGODA上有 8.4 的rate。 大家有兴趣记得提早一点预定,我就是提早了将近1年预定的,旺季的日期几乎没房,AGODA可以提早1年预定,可是都在入住前几天才收费,这都是我每次去旅行都会选AGODA的理由~
旺季: 十一月 ~ 四月
淡季: 五月 ~ 十月
以下就是丽贝岛交通推荐 :
我们都是马来西亚人,所以我们 从马来西亚(吉隆坡)到达马来西亚(吉打州)的兰卡威国际机场,然后 再坐德仕到达 Telaga Harbour 码头。
P/s(从兰卡威国际机场 到达 岛瓜埠码头 路程大概要15分钟)
- 网上订票的电子收据打印件 (按我购买船票)
- 工作人员发泰国入境卡
- 填泰国入境卡
- 护照和填好的入境卡一起交工作人员检查 ( 护照被工作人员保留,到达了LIPE岛之后在入境处领回 )
AKIRA LIPE RESORT is a local four-star hotel, relatively expensive than some other hotels, but totally worth it! AKIRA LIPE RESORT is located on PATTAYA BEACH, the most popular beach in Koh Lipe, Thailand. Walking Street from hotel to there only 3 minutes. The AKIRA LIPE RESORT has just faced the crystal blue sea! There are two swimming pools in AKIRA LIPE RESORT, one is an outdoor swimming pool where is facing the sea. Outdoor swimming pool has a poolside bar that we can enjoy drinks, music & spectacular views over there while swimming.Another pool is just attached to the hotel room, which is our room we choose—— Gold Access Room, from the room you can jump into the swimming pool. There are 3 kinds of room types in resort:
- Silver Suite Room
- Gold Access Room
- Diamond Bungalow
We can choose accordingly to own preferences.
To summarize my stay at this hotel (5 ★ full):
Room : ★ ★ ★ ★ [room is large, should be no problem to stay 4 people, room comes with free WIFI]
Cleanliness : ★ ★ ★ [Room and the toilet are OK, but I noticed that desk lamp housekeeping staff did not clean properly, other than that overall still OK]
Environment : ★ ★ ★ ★ [A few steps to the beautiful beach]
Pricing : ★ ★ ★ [Price is a bit expensive for me, but totally worth it!]
Services : ★ ★ ★ ★ [Welcoming & Friendly staff]
Breakfast : ★ ★ ★ [Breakfast was a bit normal, but the scenery of the restaurant was perfect]
Recommended: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ [Personally is very satisfied with the hotel stay]
We booked this hotel through AGODA and this hotel get high score [8.6*] in AGODA.
High season: November to April
Low season: May to October
The low season will be rainy season, the scenery in KOH LIPE is not beautiful rather than peak season, but the hotel prices are much cheaper.How to get there.For Malaysian, we transfer to Langkawi International Airport from Kuala Lumpur and then took a taxi to Telaga Terminal Jetty.From Langkawi International Airport to Telaga Harbour Jetty about 15 minutes.
Langkawi to Koh Lipe boarding procedures
- Online printed ferry ticket receipt (Click here to purchase tickets)
- Immigration card will be given by staff
- Fill the immigration card
- Complete the immigration procedure from Malaysia to Thailand
- Passport and immigration card will be collected from staff when boarding the ferry to Koh Lipe (Passport will be retained by the staff and upon arriving at Koh Lipe Island will return back the passport)
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