Bucket list
Recently, I’ve had a boredom with life. It feels like there has to be something more than this. This is also why I started blogging a couple of months ago. I’ve found that sharing experiences and reading others’ can help with how I feel. I’ve also in a previous post talked about a book I’m reading called the 4-Hour Work Week. This book is changing the way I look at life. It’s helping me make sense of what I’m supposed to do and teaching me how to do it. One of the first tasks in the book encourages the reader to make an extensive bucket list that is supposed to scare you. The point of this is to show you that you aren’t contempt with your current living arrangement, you WANT to live your life to the fullest, even if it is just loafing on the beach, or sightseeing, or having adventures.

I decided to make my bucket list and to my surprise, there are a ton of things that I would really like to do before I die. I don’t want to start with this list once I’m fifty with three kids and a back problem. I want to begin this journey when I’m young and full of life and energy. I’m sharing my bucket list with all of you on steemit so you can be inspired to create a bucket list of your own. Just the act of writing things down that you want to do one day is super exciting. The possibilities are endless.
Who knows, I might just actually finish this list.
- Skydive
- Bungee jump
- Kayaking
- Kruger National Park
- Learn to surf
- Climb Table Mountain
- See Aurora Borealis
- Eisriesenwelt Caves
- Grand Canyon
- Ngalawa Cup race
- Icarus Trophy race
- Ice Run
- Rickshaw Run
- Ride camel through Sahara
- Ride a Hot air balloon
- Swim in the Dead Sea
- Glide over Christ the Redeemer
- Visit the Pyramids of Egypt
- Witness the Serengeti Migration
- Explore Son Doong caves
- Hike to Machu Picchu
- Hike Kilimanjaro
- Dogsled in Finland
- Learn to Snowboard
- Ride the Zambezi River Rapids
- See an active volcano
- Stay in a New Zealand PurePod
- Visit Hollywood
- See the Redwood National Forest
- Hike Everest, Basecamp
- Visit Stonehenge
- See Times Square & Central Park
- See a show on Broadway
- Gamble in Vegas
- Hike the Appalachian trail
This list isn't finished yet, this is just one afternoon of brainstorming, as time goes on, I'll be adding more. Comment below if you've done any these things or if you also would like to do any of them. Some of them aren't that challenging but are stuff I would very much like to have done.
I encourage you to make your own bucket list, it's very fun and eye-opening.