I'm a Professional Truck Driver Who Wears a Bikini While Driving My Big Rig
Driving a truck for a living isn't the best job in the world, but it has its perks. I get to travel the country, driving up mountains, through waterfalls and over grassy expanses in nothing but a bikini. It can get hot and sticky in that cramped up little space but you never know when you'll get an opportunity to jump in a river or lake and cool off.
It can get very boring sitting in the truck for hours on end, but luckily I have a partner. We like to argue the merits of different cryptocurrencies to pass the time. I keep trying to tell him how steemit is the next big thing but he has his reservations. I guess it just sounds too good to be true. We're also working on a business plan together to get out of the trucking industry and into hydroponics. He smokes pot, I don't, but I can see the many merits of hemp. Like how hemp plastic biodegrades in only 90 days! This stuff can save the world and I want to get in on it.
Anyway, let me tell you my must-haves for surviving a long road trip.
- Dry shampoo! You never know when you'll next get a chance to take a shower so this stuff is a lifesaver.
- BB cream. On the road, you don't have a lot of time to put on a full face of makeup so I use bb cream. It's moisturizer, sunscreen and makeup all in one so you increase your productivity by like 300%.
- Chapstick. The sun shining on your face all day can really dry out your lips so it's important to moisturize.
- Facial wipes. When you don't have access to a shower, these can wipe all the dirt and makeup off your face and can even be used to freshen up your body!
- ipod. I can't tell you how often you'll get nothing on the radio, but it's a lot! You'll need an ipod to keep from dying of boredom.
I could go on and on, but those are my top 5. I guess that's all for now. Until next time steemit. Xoxo <3 <3 <3
#bikini #truck #cannabis #pot #hemp #steem #steemit #life #travel #makeup
I tend to romanticize female truck drivers. I think they are brave enough to challenge the tradition view of a male-industry. I love driving and has imagined if one day I became totally sick of my office job, I might take a break and become a truck driver. What are the requirements and tips for females becoming a professional truck driver? Am I overly romanticize this job?
You probably want some kind of protection since truck stops can be pretty sketchy.
im a long hauler on occassion too, let me know if you want to team up! lol
That is certainly not a job for a girl, hope you can get a better one
Check out new service i just released that might be useful :) Show some support!

This is going to get you lots of votes. 1 Bikini, 2 Marijuana. Bravo. Bravo...
One high sexy truck driver
Uncovering the keys to success feels good
Has all the ingredients doesn't it? #Bikini #Marijuana #Travel #Photography
Sounds like you're living the life anyways @lindee-hamner , not sure why you'd want to get out of trucking
This most certainly does
Ha ha ha
In everyone dream, did they left you some bread crumbs???
Well , I will help those that helping me
I dont see your truck 😳?
Lol! This article remembers me of SEO (search engine optimization to get higher ranked in the search engines). But this is SAO (steemit article optimization for higher chances of getting noticed and upvotes).
Its original though, I have to admit that! :)
I was going over the list of stuff and, being a man, I had never head of "Dry shampoo"... Had to google that... So I learned something new today, lol.
How long have you already drive a truck? , @lindee-hamner
you're beautiful , @lindee-hamner
Thank you
I want to work with you!!!
Welcome to Steemit @lindee-hamner . Glad to have you here, and look forward to more posts.