Tasting of Unique Coffee "Kupi Khop"
It was not complete without having a unique coffee in Meulaboh. When we were on the way back from steemit promotion. We decided to drop by at the well-known coffee shop in town. The coffee was unusual which flip over the month of glass. I have no idea how this coffee was set in upside down position. The Achenesse called this style as "Kupi Khop" or the Upside Down Coffee. We might not drink like normal coffee until we used the straw. Most coffeeir drink this coffee using the straw instead of having it with normal style.
The "Kupi Khop" has been a special drink for the people around Melaboh and its uniqueness spread over the country. This local coffee brought its own sensation in every sip. No wonder why this coffee was the most hunted drink in Melaboh, West Aceh, Indonesia. It was just because of the taste and the style that embedded this coffee as a fenomenal drink among coffee lovers. Frankly, I hesitated to drink this coffee at first but when I saw this guy used the straw and the coffee went straight to his mouth, I decided to try and right, its taste was different with normal coffee.
Another way to taste this coffee was by sipping through the side of the mini plate. It is like this man doing but I don't recommend this way if you guys have a thick mustache due to the coffee powder stuck in your upper mouth fur. Whatever the style you choose, this coffee was good to try, especially for us who just arrived in town.
The "Kupi Khop" is located in Suak Ribee, Melaboh, West Aceh Indonesia. A few kilometer from Melaboh, it can be accessed by any means and I guarantee you will meet this place soon you reach the town. This place was usually overcrowded during the weekend. Many people chose to stop just to taste this phenomenal coffee. For you who don't like coffee, you can also order the other drinks, like coconut and juice. However, the coffee is most recommended here. Just try and believe me you will fall in love with this coffee.
Can you see, how happy we are! It is because of this coffee, and as many people believe coffee can bring you joy and happiness. We were happy visiting this place, and it was right what my friend says "You will find nothing without sipping this coffee." The "Kupi Khop" remains famous since long time ago. Its unique brand invited people to crowd this place. Get the new experience of having coffee in this coffee shop, so we can bring something home.

Hai @levycore, Ini sanagt unik, saya pernah sekali menginjak kaki kepunjak bukit geurute dan mencoba menikmati kenikmatan kopi khob, sangat lucu dimana pertama kali saya mencoba kupi ini, saya tak tau gimana car meminumnya, mungkin karena dikhob 😃.
hahah sama juga saya pertama kali coba juga gitu bingung :D
haha, ini sangat seru @levycore
Diputa putiw ini bang :D
aceh memang kaya akan budaya dan kuliner
vote akun aku kakak
Tadi siang adik saya juga menanyakan tentang kopi Khop. Dia melihat foto yang di posting orang dan dia kebingungan, bagaimana cara meminumnya? Apa gelasnya dilubangi bagian atas? Saya pun tertawa karena dia tidak tahu dengan cara menikmati kopi yang cukup terkenal di Aceh.
Heheheh, bisa di seruput pakai sedotan tapi menurut ku ini gak susah, lebih enak diangakt sambil di seruput langsung di piringnya :D
Assalamualaikum wr wb.
Brother @levycore. Sangat hawa kami kopi khoop. Minggu lalu saya ke Aceh Selatan tapi saya belum tau ada kopi khop. Krn bg levy blm buat postingan ini minggu lalu..hehe.
Makanya postingan ini sangat menarik.best pos. Sebab dg postingan ini kopi khop jadi mendunia. Org akan baca info ini.
Thanks a lot kurator/presiden indonesian Steemit kami. You always help Us. Mohon selalu mengkontrol kami.
Salam semangat dr Tengku² dayah.
I am Tgk Rijal Aron MUDI BlangBlahdeh Dayah Abu Tumin.
Fb : Tgk Rijal Aron BlangBlahdeh
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Kunjungilah kami , Alhamdulillah sering lon seumebeut live streaming pengajian online.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.
Aceh pny banyak habit unique emang
penuh perjuangan meminum segelas kopi khop .apalagi di padu dengan es kelapa muda terasa segar bila di nikmati pada siang hari
this looks great :)
Heheheh, You must try this coffee in Aceh Indonesia , The taste is heavenly :D
Nikmat kopi khop khas nagan raya. Mantap @levycore
Bang , saya dari Lhokseumawe , gimana cara gabung komunitas steemit ?.
Good blog good content