A visit to Bhangarh "The Most haunted place in INDIA!!"

in #travel8 years ago

The town of Bhangarh located in ajabgarh,Alwar-Rajasthan is one of the scariest and creepy places you could possibly imagine, not to mention it is tagged one of the most haunted places in India. It is situated near a popular forest of alwar, the town has been slowly attracting visitors from all around the area, and country, and for all the wrong reasons!.


The "Paranormal Society of india " has even set up a warning board to ban entry inside after sunset. It is believed that this place becomes really dangerous after sunset.

The story which this town is well-known for is about a tale of a dark-magician who fell in love or rather deeply infatuated with the local princess of the acient era. Being quite the master of dark magic, he decided to perform black magic on her to make her surrender to him. However, the princess found out of his plans and ordered her soldiers to kill him. Before his death, however, the magician cursed the palace causing the souls of the dead to never leave the place and haunt it forever.

If you do decide to come to INDIA,Do visit this place for a "Chilling" experience.
