Send Kubby to Europe, to Australia, and to NOLA!
Helllooooo Friends, Kubby is going to Europe and....
I don't know if you heard, but the Aussie are uniting in December. Then my amazing friend @o07 gifted me a room! My bestie choogirl is going, so I did some math and I shall look into this visa request and purchase my flight ticket later this week early next week. I start a new job on June 11th and I already requested the time off as preplanned. :)
How much do you need to go?
Well, what I need to go is get a visa. After that, I need Steem/SBD to price up around $3.00 again.
- Flight is roughly $1,000 SBD
- Food is roughly $50 SBD
- Fun money $ 100
I have seven months to pay myself back for this trip and if I continue to blog daily then there is no reason I cannot make this trip happen. That is seven months and more than enough time if you ask me. :)
What about Europe?
I will have the rest of the funds for Europe by the end of next month. Granted, that is assuming that the price of crypto spike up again. However, I know it will :)
Thank you again to the fabulous @lindahas for pretty much planning my entire trip. I have purchased all of my flights and train tickets. The last todo is practice packing, arrange a few more meetups, and cut my hair. Gotta look lovely for my visit with Muxxy and the wedding I'll be attending.
What is left for Europe.
💜 I found this add and was inspired to fly to Australia. The deal isn't as sweet as it sounds, but still, it inspired me to go. ♥️

Step one B is the reaching my budget goal.
Goal is to save/raise $270 SBD for a plane ticket (If the price stays around $3)Goal is to save/raise $270 SBD for food Only $200 sbd left
Goal is to save/raise $95 SBD for hotel/hostelGoal is to save/raise $200 SBD for fun. Only $150 left
Total needed is $835 raised by May 1 or travel date
Step two is renewing my passport.
I will be taking my photo and sending the paper work out this week.Waiting for them to send me my brand new passport.
Thank you all for the support!
Many of you changed your auto votes in support of my fundraiser and several of you generously gave 100% upvotes. I thank you so very mucho! Some other goals part of the planning is figuring out the following:
Step three is figuring out what am I going to wear?
Step four is booking the flight, hotel, and confirming the date.
Step five is not freaking out!
Step six packing less for more, having more with less, and preparing for everything!
Step seven is to go!
Step eight is to have fun! Thanks for this enjar!
I want to see MUH MUXXY and you!
I want to meet several of my Steemian friends. If you live in Europe, please let me know and I will do my best to make a day trip out to you. Believe it or not, I do not want to go to Europe for the food or sites, I want to go to see you! I will be in France and near London between August 14 and the 22nd.:)
Keep in mind, all my post from now until August expect for my back to school fundraiser post are for my Europe Trip. Even with the price of Steem/SBD rising and falling. I have no doubt I will be able to raise enough funds to fully Steem my way to Europe. The next month will be interesting as I might be changing jobs, I will start practicing packing, and I will inform you every step of the way.
Until we meet in the UK + Australia + NOLA

Hope the fund keeps growing at pace!
We should all have a breakdown of what it takes to achieve our dreams and goals here! It's a fab idea. Once you progress a step tick it off and move on to the next one.
Thanks for the idea of a brand new plan, cool idea ;)
Have an awesome journey (in every sense of the word)
We're warming up a wallaby for you as we speak.
I'm so happy to see you reaching your goals. I'm also adding you to my upvoter! Go, go, go! Love you!
In going thanks so much rose!! 💜
We're warming up a wallaby for you as we speak.
This scarys me, I shouldn’t be scared right?
You can be scared, bemused, dizzy; or none of the above.
It's happening though, we don't warm up wallabies for nothing.
Alright alrighty mate, im ready to rock up! -@choogirl taught me that one. Hopefully im using it right. :)
Excellent. You're yarning like a local.
Lol! You nailed it.
Lol! You've turned into me with all this travelling.
I knew I had all the potential for greatness!
Awesome @kubbyelizabeth! Why not triple the goal and add a few more countries?
I will eagerly support you here. You've helped me so much when I was struggling to find sponsors for my contests and not only that - Many things has happened over the last 10-12 months and you've been one of my greatest supporters.
I’ll be traveling a short amount of time or else I would. You attempted what few ever did. Great fun for the contest and I’m excited to hear/ read more of your writing. :)
If what you are saying is true, I still couldn't fully realize it.
This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by @ecs creator & community leader @chelsea88.
What so funny?
You go girl.... a go-gether as always.
Yay kubby! Keep going! Upvoted :)