True Colors in India: South to North
Yesvantpur Jn 駅前の超無愛想なティファンでセットドーサ。釣銭を投げてよこした番頭に腹が立ったが食事は美味かった。
I had "Set Dosa" at super unfriendly Tiffin stall in front of Yesvantpur Jn station. I got angry with the cashier who threw the change money but the meal was delicious.
New Delhi from Bangalore, traveling time is 47h 50m. It is the first time in eight years to get on an Indian train.
After all what has not India changed?
The train toilet may be slightly cleaner than before.
10 years ago, in the 2nd sleeper class, beggar collected garbage and while crawling the ground, people were sitting any floor even at other guest's seat, Hijrah (trans gender caste), patrolling of the police, always chaotic.
Today, 20% of passengers have a smartphone, It's let they tighten the purse strings, therefore seemed to be decreasing beggar's earn.
掃除が行き届き、列車がクリーンになったのは、チャイボーイ出身のナヘンドラ モディ首相の施策かな?若い世代はきれい好きなのかも知れません。
Cleaning was improved and the train became cleane is may be the policy of former Chai Boy Narendra Modi? May be young generation like to keep clean.
As we approach the north, irregular people are increasing. And although they are poor, they are so friendly.
If you spend 2days on hard bed, your body also will be more hard.