True Colors in India: Kheer Ganga
Manaliに向かう途中の空港のある町BhuntarからバスでParvati Valleyへ入ってゆきます。
聖地であり温泉の町Manikaran を過ぎ一番奥のBarsheni Bus stopで下車。
Kheer Ganga へのトレックはここから片道5時間です。
Bhuntar is a town with an airport on the way to Manali. We can take a bus from Bhuntar to Parvati Valley. Pass the Holy place Manikaran with hot spring and get off at the innermost Barshaini Bus stop.
Trek to Kheer Ganga is 5 hours one way from here. There are no accommodations around Barsheni.
If you can not catch up the bus to Manikaran at 16:00, you need to stay 1 night at Pulga villege.
When I trekked 10 years ago it had a good atmosphere to rest in the temple with a locals. I don't want to compare it with the past, but now there is a fence around that temple where we were break from the rain. The increase of tourists seemed to give bad impression to locals. Some locals trying to sell the incense falsely many times also seemed like a joke...
Even though there is the public transportation, the stay cost is increasing.
Prices are three times Manikaran.
It's the cause of many domestic travelers choice go on a day trip. I think maybe this area need a helpful school.
Kheer Gangaは巡礼地であり、ささやかな巡礼宿(Dharamshara)にドネーションで泊まることが出来ます。
またPin Valley trek の出発点でもあります。
However, the hot springs were nice and nature as well. Kheer Ganga is a pilgrimage place, and we can stay and donate to small pilgrimage lodge (Dharamshala). It is also the starting point of Pin Valley trek.
The last two hours, Odd Eye's doggy, he led me!