STEEM DREAM: My Search for the Perfect Campervan

in #travel7 years ago

I’ll preface this exploration of the pros and cons of various campervans by saying that everyone’s perfect is different, and “perfect” probably doesn’t exist.

That in mind, let’s dive into my campervan dream, and the quest I’m currently on… finding the right one.


A STEEM-Powered Campervan?

I have a history with campervans, and generally tend to like vehicles where I can at least sleep in the back. Road tripping is my freedom. Driving has been my freedom since the day I got my license, way-back-when.

I don’t just want a campervan because it’ll be fun to have, to get out and go camping with my family. No, this is a deep longing born from the need for freedom and a lifelong love of seeing new places.

Why is this a Steem Dream?

Well, wouldn’t it be cool if I could pay for one of these with STEEM? Could get a little sticker for the side that says “STEEM POWERED,” or something.

Then I’d have to explain to people what it means. Hmmm… Guess I could just send them to a post. ;)

I’m a long way from being able to afford any of these campervans, with or without Steemit, but who knows what could happen. If I’m lucky, my campervan dream might come to fruition in the next couple years. Either way, this summer I’m hoping to drive as many campervans as I can.

Because I have two kids, I need a campervan that sleeps four, and I’m unwilling to look at options much over $100k. There are far more campervan choices if you only need to sleep two people, or are happy dropping $150,000 on an RV.

Yeah, no.

I’ve done a lot of searching, and gathered a list of campervans that sleep four, available in North America. Here are some I have my eye on, in hopes of getting on the road for views like this.

road trip view

Note: All photos below used with permission, courtesy of the companies listed in each respective section.

VW Eurovan Camper

Once upon a time, I had a Volkswagen Westfalia. I loved that van! So. Much. It was easy to drive. Slow, of course, but fun to drive. I could go anywhere, sleep in the back of up top, get up and go the next day or hang where ever.

The ultimate hippy van.

Unfortunately, it broke down. A lot. I can’t even count the number of times I overheated the engine, or drove around with the heat on in the summer. Yeah.

However, VW seems to have majorly improved things with the Eurovan Camper.


There’s a place in California called Pop Top Heaven that imports these in from Europe and restores them. They do mechanical and aesthetic updates, then sell the vans to happy campers, many of whom rack up the miles on these babies.

I want to climb in and drive away.

eurovan front

There’s a little kitchen with sink and two-burner propane stove. Also, storage compartments everywhere.


Rear seat folds into a bed, and there’s a bed up top, so this sleeps 4 people. There’s also a hand shower in the rear of the van, so you could shower beneath the back hatch.

Price Tag: Between $49,000-$56,000 USD for a 15+ year old van.

Things I like about the VW Eurovan Camper:

  • It’s a small van I’d be comfortable driving anywhere.
  • It’s a fun, familiar setup that reminds me of my Westy.
  • It sleeps four, and the canvas gives it an open-air feel.
  • I could use this as an everyday vehicle. << This is the thing that makes it most attractive.


  • If it’s raining, or we want to sleep in a city incognito, we wouldn’t be able to use the roof bed.
  • If the pop top is not up, you do have to duck inside the van a bit.
  • If my family took this on a longer road trip, there would likely not be enough storage.
  • No bathroom. We could use a portable toilet, but there isn’t really a good place to put it in the van.

Conclusion: Though I would love to have this as an everyday vehicle, it’s likely too small for long-term trips with a family of four.

Roadtrek 170 Versatile

Roadtrek offers some nice campervans, and they call the 170 Versatile “The ultimate small motorhome in a van.”

170 Versatile

This rig has all the features you’d expect in an RV, with kitchen, water, and bathroom. The company said there is a shower in this unit, as well. The photo below shows a wardrobe past the kitchen, but all of that storage space would have to leave to replace it with a fourth seat, which we’d need for our family.

170 Versatile int

The seats in the front turn into two more beds.


Price Tag: Starting at $92,118 USD

Things I like about the Roadtrek 170 Versatile:

  • It’s a smaller van I’d be comfortable driving anywhere.
  • It has a bathroom and shower.
  • The fuel economy is better than most bigger RVs.


  • It still might be small for a long-term road trip.
  • I’ve never trusted Chevy’s or Fords… but at least it’s not a Ford. (Not a fan.)

Conclusion: My partner thinks he wants a bigger vehicle, but I want one I’m comfortable driving. This van feels like a manageable size for me, while still having a kitchen and bathroom/shower. However, there might not be enough storage space for long-term trips with a family of four.

Hymer Aktiv 2.0

The Hymer Aktiv is a newer campervan option for North America. WIth European design, it's clean, classy, and has some fantastic features.

Hymer Aktiv int

There are two possible layouts. This one includes a sofa bed in the back:

Hymer Aktiv int lounge

This layout uses a platform bed that you put together to create more space in the back. I especially like this option to lay out my yoga mat and stretch inside.

interior with space in back

And here’s how it sleeps four. Though I think the bed in the front is pretty narrow, it would work for two kids.

Hymer Aktiv sleeping

Price Tag: Starting at $100,503 USD

Things I like about the Hymer Aktiv 2.0:

  • The European design is pleasant and functional.
  • It has a nicer bathroom set up, and more space inside.


  • It’s a bit bigger than I want to drive.
  • It comes with a higher price tag.

Conclusion: Of the choices I’ve found, this one is probably the best bet size-wise, even though my partner still probably thinks it’s too small.

Why does Europe get all the cool campervans?

I like Toyota trucks (we have two of them), and I’d love to see a Toyota campervan, mostly because I’d guess it would drive nice and be mechanically sound. Well, Toyota has a new campervan on the other side of the pond, very similar to the Volkswagen California, which is the current equivalent to the old Westfalia. The “Lernia,” built from a Toyota van and custom converted by Wellhouse Leisure, is rolling out this year.

There are a whole slew of cool campervans in other regions of the world, but looking at them is not lifting my spirits, since none of them are available in Canada.

If you happen to live in a place where campervan choices abound, more power to you. Hopefully you can have a STEEM-POWERED campervan, too!

Bonus: VW Syncro

Confession: If I were really honest, my ultimate campervan would be a VW Syncro, which is a 4x4 version of a Westfalia. These kick-ass campervans are quite rare, and I don’t know how much maintenance they require. Still, a girl can dream.

I won’t do pros and cons for this one. Let’s just rock out to some funky videos and bask in the awesomeness of the Syncro.

Here’s a Syncro rebuild done by Gregorie Blachon for a two-year, 50,000 mile, 15 country road trip through South America.

via Youtube

Here’s a video of Syncros looking badass and doing all kinds of things you didn’t think VW vans could do.

via Youtube

Closing thoughts

Part of me still wants the simplicity of a smaller campervan, but I’m not going to know what I’m comfortable driving until I get the chance to take different models for a test drive. Lucky for me (sort-of), I’m in no position to be making a major purchase right now, so I have lots of time to contemplate the possibilities.

What about you? What’s your dream vehicle? Is it a campervan, a Tesla, a jacked-up 4x4? Dream with me.

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

Banner courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

the alliance


The Alliance and SteemUSA Banners by @bearone


Think bigger since the boys won't be little for too long!

My dream is an RV that pulls my Jeep Wrangler. Ok, so I don't have a Jeep Wrangler, but I plan to have one soon. My SUV is ready to be sold. So I'm shopping at the moment. The RV is a little bit away just yet ;)

But I really want a house that pulls my toys. A camper van would probably do it for me since I don't have children (assuming tow capacity), but I do have two medium to large size dogs that would be making the trips with me.

Oh yeah, but first I need to be independently wealthy so I can quit my job and just drive around all the time.


Yeah. Independently wealthy and nomadic sounds like fun. I'm in! As for driving something bigger... still not sure. Gotta get behind the wheel and decide if I can do it solo. If not... shrugs

I like the Jeep idea. And dogs along for the ride is the best!

We have begun looking for just a normal van. Our Subaru Forester just isn't big enough to load up everything we need for the shows/conventions we do. Our booth setup continues to grow, and even with a large bag on the roof it isn't enough space.

On the drive home last week we saw an older Conversion van and an ambulance in one of the car lots. Of course we are looking to spend maybe $5000 for something dependable, but that ambulance which I found out has just 16k miles seems like it could be a good fit. I fear it is way too much or has something seriously wrong with it though.

Either way, I too was thinking have a "Steem Powered" vehicle, even at just $5k would be very cool.

Any way you look at it, a Steem-powered vehicle would be awesome. Hope you find the right rig for your shows and your lifestyle. I'm considering a van for my next day to day vehicle, but I've never been the mini-van type. I have scoffed at mini-van drivers in the past (before I was a mom). I'm a truck girl... but I need more space. sigh ;-)

I hope to see soon your new photo from your van trip!

Hi Katrina, the biggest thing is the money. If you have a lot then you can get a lot of nice rv's. I think if you have time and some skills then built your own campervan. We have a lot of different types of campervans in Germany but they are very expensive and the are not really useful for me. That's why I built my own. It takes a lot of time and it's not so perfect like a new one but its self made. For my next I will take a 4x4 truck like an old firetruck from the 1970 or 1980 but for now I bought a Mercedes Sprinter. I will be finish with my campervan in 2 months and then I will start traveling.

I wish I had the time/money/expertise to do a custom van. More power to you for doing the project yourself! We've been building a house for the last 5 years, and I quite honestly couldn't stomach another building project of any kind until this thing is finished. But I love seeing what people are able to create. Maybe one day. :) Thanks for stopping by!

Great article Katrina! Me and some friends where once contemplating buying a mitsubishi delica to go on a trip from the UK to Nepal. Never happened though. When we lived in Botswana my parents had a long wheelbase chevrolet which they said was the best safari vehicle they ever owned. If I had the money I think I would get a a high clearance landrover discovery with a howling moon tent on top and then go explore the length and breadth of Africa.

The house on wheels - we are not made to be stuck in one place for too long, are we? I know I would love to travel like this. But I'm also someone who needs comfort. A nice bathroom and comfy beds would be my prime concern. Size of vehicle is something you will get used to in the end.

Gosh, yes! A big STEEM sticker and some polka dots for me please!

Oh, and I'm not biased of course, but European design is awesome indeed ;-)

I always dreamt of being on the road for a few months, crossing the states and going down South, escaping winter.
I was looking into RVs last summer. I like the vancampers more than the trailers, cause they give you the freedom of driving and parking everywhere within the city. Though there is a big price difference between the two.

Good luck on your search!! Sending some good karma your way, I'm looking for a van myself to travel this summer. Keep posting!! Looking forward to seeing your future adventures.
Cheers, gypseanicky

Hi how are you Katrina? Really cool post^^ ! I would like to connect with other cool steemians like you. I’m posting music tutorials and other things related to music (and bitcoins:p). I’m the founder of the free music school communicasound. I'm really pleased to meet you. So i follow you and i will be happy to read your next posts in the futur. If you want, you can do the same and follow me. It’s important to have a family in Steemit :) Greetings from Paris. Peace.

@katrina-ariel Very good post, I have a Campervan and I'm doing a blog here in Steemit, I hope you like it: