What Kind of Freedom Do You Want?

in #travel7 years ago

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These days, many people say they want the freedom to be nomadic entrepreneurs. In other words, they want to travel the world and work online from wherever they happen to be.

I know a few regular people who have achieved that lifestyle. And they’re very happy with it.

Is this the kind of freedom you want? Many people say they don’t like being a slave to their jobs. They say that they want to be free.

I used to say that I would do any kind of job for 6 months every year if it gave me enough money and freedom to not work the other 6 months. That might mean that I would have to clean toilets – or clean up dog poo – I didn’t care. Anything that would give me enough money during 6 months of work to have 6 months free – I would do it.

What I finally ended up doing is far better that those two options that I just mentioned, but you can see that I was pretty serious about getting that lifestyle. I was willing to sacrifice half of my life in order to totally liberate the other half – doing what I wanted whenever I wanted, wherever I wanted, with whomever I wanted.

I didn’t develop this lifestyle quickly. I went from job to job – teaching Spanish, working as a secretary, doing word processing, working as a waitress, and many more. I also tried several businesses – a pet album that I sold at dog shows, import/export, making dog biscuits, and more.

I don’t belong to that group of people who only want to work 4 hours a week until retirement or who want to spend every day free as a bird, lounging on a beach in some beautiful tropical country. I think you can see that I was willing to put in some hard work in order to attain my goal of 6 months total freedom every year.

Kate Temple of Heaven.jpg

Now that I have achieved that, I can look back on my life and see that the steps I took along the way formed an overall path in the direction that would liberate me half of every year, but I could have gotten into this lifestyle much quicker if I had known some things early on.

And I want to share this information with you in case you’re feeling the same way that I was. Once I got into this lifestyle, I considered myself semi-retired.

So you’re probably wondering what kind of work I do that gives me real freedom for half of every year. Some you already know that I became a tour director. That’s very seasonal work, so it was easy to have a lot of time off each year. I generally worked May to October. Perfect. I loved it.

Many of you probably want to be some kind of internet marketer so that you can work wherever there’s an internet. For most of my adult life, that wasn’t possible, but it certainly is now, and I’m taking advantage of that now.

Have you figured out what kind of freedom you want?

Check out my other posts -

What’s Under Those Headscarves?
Are You a Tourist or a Traveler
Are These 'Facts' Really True? Part 1

Traveling Before vs Traveling Now

Do You Brush Your Dog's Teeth?

Lazy Bum? Teacher? Tour Director? Writer? Which Is It, Kate?


I think it's fabulous that you've achieved the lifestyle you want. So many people plod along in an actual J-O-B they have to go to for years and hate it. I have freelanced for over a decade and wouldn't have it any other way!

Can't understand why or how people stay in a job they hate for years and years. I'm glad that you were brave enough to hit out on your own.

Great article, @katebenzin! I like the freedom I have right now. Working at home on my own schedule and having time to spend with my boys. Being able to go to every field trip or school event. However, I do like your idea of 6 months work, 6 months free. I think that ultimately, I want to cut down to working 2-4 hours per day, 3 days per week - having the rest of my time to do as I please!

You've set yourself up perfectly - being able to work at home and be a mom to your boys. We're so lucky to be in this world at a time when we have the possibility to do real work from home.

This is a very thought provoking question for me. I don't know exactly what kind of freedom I want, but I would like to be a little more free than 40 hours a week every week of the year. Six months on and six months off does sound very intriguing, but for now, freedom for me would be a weekday off every week or two. Just one day. That would be nice.

Kate, is that a spaceship behind you?

It's the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.