
I upvoted your post, Kate, because it taught me something about Vietnam I had absolutely no idea about.
Great photos too. You took them?

No, I didn't take the photos. I bought them. Yeah, who would have thought salt would be a big biz in Vietnam?

Hi Kate, loved the posts and the pictures, could you please also link them to the source, if bought at least the name of the seller or photographer? Thanks

This looks fascinating. I love seeing things like this in person so if I ever get to Vietnam, I'll be sure to go when it's salt season! (Salt is a seasoning, see what I did there...?)

Very clever, Peggy. I always knew you had a way with words.

I love good sea salt. I will have to try and find some on Amazon. Thanks for the information, I never thought to associate Vietnam with salt.

Interesting idea. I'm not sure that the salt in Vietnam is identified as being from Vietnam. Kind of like the olive oil that is in supermarkets labeled as being from Italy even though a huge portion of Italy's olive oil was imported in bulk from Spain and then bottled in Italy - thus being able to label it as a product of Italy even though it was manufactured in Spain. Does that make sense? I have a feeling that Vietnam exports in bulk to other countries where it is then packaged up and labeled.

Yeah, that make sense. I check, they don't have it.

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