
You had a really good day inspite of the rain. Hope it was not too cold and drabby.

Thanks for commenting! It was still OK!

你那件紫色的外套算是雨衣嗎? 好好看啊!! :D

谢谢你 Lydia!对 就是件雨衣,比利时这天气尤其需要。

好好啊!! 很適合因雨綿綿的天氣, 不過好像就不太適合台灣了~ T_T

I want to go to Dublin sooooo bad. I worked with Irish guys for the last three years so I've got no excuse.

I bet you will like there! :D next vacation destination?

Maybe not the next one, but definitely next year :-)

Thanks for the interesting reportage ..... I'm really interested in street art! grazieee!

Thanks sardrt, for resteem and commenting! Totally appreciate it! Besos.

Love the street arts! :D
and your expression on the last picture is gold! :P

Nice! Really want to visit Dublin once...of course for the Guinnes too ^^ hahaha

I love Dublin! Maybe it is not the prettiest of all the capitals, but it has its unique climate. I spent 2 years there and I miss it dearly!
Love your photos... reminds me how I was walking through the streets..

True, unique climate lol. Unique atmosphere for sure!
Thanks for commenting ewkaw. I really love Irish accent, would love to live there as well!

Oh yes... the accent is so fun too! At the beginning I couldn't understand what they were saying. But after a while I caught it too. It is great :D


哈哈哈 在国外看到汉字格外亲切


May the luck of the Irish be with you. Enjoy the Guinness!
