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RE: Norway - trolls, cold, darkness and Vikings? Not this time!

in #travel6 years ago

Reading about someones visit to the country I live in, can be interesting. But some corrections may be in order too ;) But first a question:

Did you visit in the mouth of May? As during that entier month was a part of what is a rare occurance of sunny and no rain for over a month. That rarelly happens, usually it only lasts for a max of 3 days to 1 week. Then some rain.

Then to your points.
The gouvernment/state does in no way pay us to buy electric cars, but its less taxes on them for periodes to encurage people to buy them. a very high % of the price on cars is various taxes in Norway.Hence cars is expensive

We do pay to use the roads, its an enforced tax that we must pay every year for owning a car, that goes to roadework. And large bridge and tunnle projects are payed for by a fee for passing it ontop of that.

Where did it look like they split the roade up to avoide cutting the tree? Are you sure the trees was not planted there after and the roade was split up to prevent accidents from cars getting in the wrong lane? As that is done some places.

Also its not like if you find any cottage when venturing into the mountains, you can just walk in an use it, but there is some that is built for that purpuse. So that tourists and locals can take longer trips and take brakes inside huts built that everyone have access to.

Lastly; ar eyou use to there being garbidge bins everywhere you walk? even in the mountains? Really? That creates bad habbits and is there for lazy people from my point of view. Its really easy to take the garbage back with you from the trips. IT whould make the mountains ugly and littered to be honest if bins was to be installed on every path. Respect nature insted :)


Hi Jostein! Many thanks for your looong comment! :) I was there in the end of May/begining of June. I also heard that that kind of weather is not something usual to experience especially near to Bergen, where I was.
By writing that state "pays" I meant that the government encourages inhabitants to buy them. That is why I used quotation marks :)
I didn't know about the enforced tax, so thank you very much for this information, I really appreciate it! :)
If it comes about the tree it was on one of the roads from Bergen to Arland.
In terms of the cottages - thank you once again, I was so overwhelmed with this information that I took it as if all of the cottages found high in the mountains would be accessible :)
Lastly also - garbage/bins - well in my country you can find it in some places even in the mountains, also when I was aborad I recall that there were such instances. And I absolutely agree with you that we need to respect the nature :)

Thank you once again for your comment, always something new to learn :)