Travel Suriname: mother nature

in #travel7 years ago

(image from google)

So the focus in this article is a short summary for those who want to see some of mother nature in Suriname. Paramaribo, is the capitol of Suriname. Suriname is a country in South-america, north of Brazil and between the Guianas. (Guyana and French Guyana).
The population is estimated about 500.000 inhabitants. The main language is Dutch, because Suriname was a colonized by the Dutch from 1954 - 1975. There is also another language called "neger engels" or "taki taki". This is the language of the people which descended from the slaves and almost everyone can speak this language.
Referring to everyone because Suriname is a country with different ethnicities and cultures. The Chineze, Indians, Native-americans, Africans, Libanese, Caucasians and Javanese all have their own language, cultures, traditions and religion but everyone can meet on communication level through "taki taki". But...a lot of people also speak english.

CulturenSuriname-Scannen0001-large-rot-270-effect-sharpen-56.jpg (image from google)

The people mix with each other, each others food and know and respect each others customs. Ofcourse there are some disagreements but overall they each others differences even when it comes to religion. It is not strange for a hindu to me be married to a christian or some other combination. It is not something you will see a lot but it's noet strange. Suriname is also known for the Mosque standing right next to the Synangogue.

(image from google)

Things to expect

Overall Surinamese do not take the time seriously. So, keep that in mind because it may tend to spoil your vacation mood.
be sure to ask a lot of detailed questions when making a deal about e.g a tour to the forest. Surinamese tend to misinform by not informing. Eg: ask, what time exactly? The meeting point? What should you bring along? How long will the trip be? Should you bring your own food? Is there someone available at all times to tend to your needs in case of an emergency? Is there wifi?
The tourguides are very friendly but not all the facts are correct all the time. Before you some to Suriname be sure to book a tour with a good tour operator by searching reviews. I could put it here but there are a lot and when I want to go, I arrange things myself.

Surinamese do not greet very often but once you get into a conversation they can be very open and friendly. expect the same when entering a store. In stores sometimes ( or most of the times) personnel might even not be eager to assist you.

Food, and lots of it.
(Javanese dish: image from google)

(Chinese dish: image from google)

(Indian dish: image from google)

Expect a lot of nature, water, rivers, lakes and monumental buildings.





(images from google)

So, it is not a lot of information, just a bit to a little bit of an impression of Suriname. I will be posting about nightlife in the near future with some pictures.

Have fun travelling!!