Been missing, but not much action :).steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago

Hello Steemians,

Firstly, I apologise to Steemit for being away for such a long time. It must be at least two weeks, but feels like a lot longer. I did have a very bad case of writer's/creative block and have saved and deleted many passages that I felt just weren't right. It's a strange state to be in and the more you try to write something, the more you struggle to. I do have a lot to post about but a lot of it is personal and not a very happy place, but such issues can wait for now, as I felt I just needed to touch ground.


Talking of touching ground, I have recently been away (not all down to writer's block, then?) to Spain for a break and I guess I can base this post around my excursion. I last flew around 23 years ago and before that, around 35 years ago. I had flown, I think, ten or twelve times, and I remember enjoying it. This does not appear to be the case with my present self. I do not enjoy the experience of flying at all. Maybe sitting at the front and next to the window didn't help, both ways. I flew out at night and felt it had a bearing on the flight and that I'd be comfier flying back in the daytime. I was wrong again.

I will be flying out again at the beginning of December, and will have to devise a method of sorting the nerves out. I could meditate and self-hypnotise, but my brain is a sneaky little shit. It'll pretend everything's fine and as we take off, say, "Oh, hang on, we might die, yes?" But, I will devise a concoction that might steady me a bit - hmmmm. So, not being pleased with myself, I'd flown to Spain in the early evening and it was lovely to land there.


The evening was warm. The journey from the airport to my apartment was very pleasant and the apartment and location were brilliant. I haven't been as happy for a long time, as I was sat drinking a cup of tea and having a smoke on a swing chair in the balmy, cricket song-filled evening, in Spain. I was near the coast, and to be honest, I didn't do a lot more than walk around. I couldn't help myself. There were so many interesting little features that kept me travelling from one into the other. Yes, I lost my bearings on a few occasions, but I didn't care. I knew where the sea was (most of the time).

So, on the first day, I wandered lonely as a cloud, and if you were a cloud on that day, you would indeed have been a lonely one, because the sky was a pure blue and there wasn't a wisp of cloud to be seen.


I could comment on each picture that I share, but I feel that that might feel a little like looking at holiday slides around a relative's house, so I am just going to post en-mass and will continue with my waffling after them. Enjoy....






















I suppose that the pictures speak for themselves. It was a lovely break in a lovely place with lovely weather. I really needed the little holiday and as I'll be going back, I will do future posts. with more detail and comments, but as mentioned, I am just touching ground, after a long period of stifledness, which includes not being able to make any decent balloon models, but it is the Festering Season and I ought to attempt making some Christmas trees or reindeer.

Thank you for reading and viewing and I hope it was pleasant.

All of my posts are 100% original content (or picture linked/sourced directly, if used). 100% of all curator rewards will go to the curators of this post, because I don't upvote my own work and all rewards are powered up 100% for Steem Power. I'm here for the long haul, to learn, share and grow with you. Thank you.


Ok, most pictures have loaded, well maybe 50% hehe. Glad you had a chance to get away and clear your head. I was in Spain only once to deliver a sailboat to the Canary Islands out of Malaga. So didn't look around too much.
See you at the Last Table later Today :-)
Go Team Teqila Sunrise!

I had a nice break in Spain and it was really needed. How did you get home after delivering the boat? It's a long swim back :). Yes, I'll see you at the tables late this evening. I'm sure that the three of us can end up on the final table, as long as we don't get dealt pocket aces, because they just get cracked for fun.

See you later, Cody, Nice one, Cheers :).

That's how I ended up in Panama. My Mother got sick before the " Atlantic race for crusers " and I flew home before the start. 1 week later she died. I was the only child so had to deal with everything then swing home for Christmas with my children. Panama was the next in line Rainbow Gathering so went there and kinda never left. ( In a nut shell ).
See @ the tables :-)
P.S. If a boat hires you to move it, at the destination your entiteled to a flight anywhere you choose.

That's an interesting reply. I am looking into Spain and the realty of moving there and it isn't going to be a stroll, but a stroll would only bore me. I'm following my heart for a change. It's sad circumstances that you relay and it's touching. It sounds like complete chaos threw you there, sort of.

I didn't know that, with regards to selling a boat. Good luck tonight and hopefully we won't be snaffled.

Cheers Cody :).

I wasn't my boat but a Paid air fare and expences Gig.1 of the best years for wind in history so a bit of a heart-break to have missed it. Family first :-)
Good luck tonight, see you at final table with Pot :-)

Yes, family is important for many folk, I guess. My heart wasn't in the game at all last night at all.
Cheers Cody.

I think I rushed that message out. From the Canaries, We we're to start of the " Altantic Race for Crusers " kind of a friendly race across the Atlantic with large group of people for safety and comradery. With only days to go, I get a panic email about my Mothers poor condition. Who had gone into surgery secretly and was found by a friend by accident at the hospital. That was the longest panic flight of my life, no knowing what I was going to find. From the Tropics to Canada in November, with no winter clothes only added to my misery. LOL
Cheapest beer I even bought in my life in the Canaries .18 cents per can, On a happy note. :-)
Habla Espanol Usted?

Sounds like a chilly time with just summer gear to wear and a fair round trip. No, mi Espanol no bueno (I think that might be close ha ha ha).

Cheers Cody

I was worried that if I sent you another message before having a reply from my last one that you would think I was stalking you. It's wonderful that you were able to get away and have some down time. Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous. Sorry to hear about your flight experience. It is a complete pain when your mind knows exactly what's going on and you don't want it to. Mostly I have tips that say to distract yourself with music and movies, pull down the shades so you can't see out the window, carry a picture of your destination, check the turbulence report so that you know what to expect, and deep breathing exercises.
Try not to let the length of time between a post get you down. The more you feed that monster to larger it'll grow. I hope the personal things that are disrupting your life settle down soon. I also understand about not wanting to post your dirty laundry online, or even clean laundry actually. It's fantastic to hear from you again! Wishing you laughter and a peaceful night!

Ha, ha, I think we may have a similar style of reticence. I couldn't send my replies to you, because I felt they were crossing some lines, which I am not sure even exist. Walking on eggshells, to some degree, but then for why? I feel that you will know what I mean, with regards this difficulty, maybe?

The flying isn't fun, but hoping to get used to it. I pulled the blind down on my first flight and the hostess told me that I couldn't do that, because if the plane caught on fire, then I would be the first to see it and could inform them. This really didn't help the anxieties. I'm going to try some distractions, next time, but the body knows when you are no on terra firma and not level. Maybe some natural medicine of some form will help? Thanks for the advice, though :).

I know what you mean about the time gap betwen postings, but it does exactly as you say. Indeed, it does grow into a monster and one armed with all the necessary tools and routes into your innerness, to remove your confidence, creativity and will.

Thanks for the message, brisby. Really nice to be reading your comments again and I'm not feeling my most creative, but am definitely feeling better about things. Just for the record, if you are a professional stalker, and you have let it slip that you troll the streets in the small hours, looking for cats to stalk (I think that's a cover, as well :) ), then that's fine. I've only stalked somebody once, but it was weird as anything, until I realised it was me I was stalking. I never would have found out, but I had reported me to the police for stalking me. Weird though, because an ambulance came and not the police :).

I trust you're well, and hope that you are. Nice to be back and chatting again :)

So that's what you been up to. Welcome back to steemit & spl.
The pictures are many, and loading as I write and making it tough to reply LOL.
I just finished the Team Logo for your approval, and passing the hat for just short of 1.7 SBD. I don't have enough to cover the 5. Doh :-)
here it is : TeamAvatarTTS.jpg I've submitted without payment hoping to get it on our team for todays Team play/points game. See you there :-)

Hi Cody. Yes, I didn't want to get the avatar, because I power up all SBD's, so I rarely have them to spend and don't want to be hounded for a bill by the site or blocked from playing because of it. I'll try to keep the SBD's that I next get, but I haven't posted for a while and to be honest, I don't feel the avatar a necessity, or that there's much point to it. We are a team of three and I can remember you and Potplucker when I see you. I could also tag you both with a colour, so that you would be even more recognisable. I don't see it as a necessary requirement to play on the site, even though the site host has been hounding us to get them, which I guess is why you have felt the need to do them. I feel that they should be an option and if not, it should say when you create a team that it is a requirement to play.

I understand that you may not understand my position, and that's fine, but please don't think it's because I am being stingy. I'll try to get the 1.7 SBD together, if just to stop the moderators from mithering us whilst we play.

No problem Amigo, I will fund it. Just short atm. Life is Good, see you at the Tables :-)
P>S> almost all your pictures showed up this visit :-) the ones that didn't still scrolling me LOL

I don't mind paying the 1.7 SBD to you, but haven't got it at the moment (or I don't think I have. Will check). When I get some dollars, in, I'll send it over no probs.

Cheers Cody :).

Not an issue, Tonights tourney pays the tab :-)
With luck.

Hmmm, next plan ha, ha.

Found 5.5 SBD in my account from spl this morning :-)
Life is good

Your a deeper thinker that I. Good qualities in a team mate :-)
Good luck tonight!

Let's hope that tonight's our night, brother.

Good luck and I hope we only meet with pot as the last three :).


Ha, beat the system and responding chainbb :-) bad news is I'm responding Cuz my AA TT fell to trip Q's. Next week maybe ?

Unlucky with that, Cody. I didn't fare much better.

Hey dude glad to see you back here. I hope you get the necessary spark to get those creative juices flowing and start letting the passages see the light of day and not the delete key. I for one wouldn't have minded the family holiday slide experience but the pictures were lovely nonetheless. Does look like a very relaxing place. Cheers - Carl

Hi, been a while. Sent you a message on discord but it looks like you've been away. Hope you good. Have an awesome day. Thanks.

Hi @greenrun! I actually don't go on Discord much anymore, now that I am curating for Curie I tend to be on all the time. DM me over there, @carlgnash on

Ok. Thanks a lot. I will.

Hi @carlgnash. Cheers, brother, nice to be back as well. Creativity slow in returning, but it'll get there (he says ha, ha). I apologise for the lack of slide-show experience and I know what you mean. I enjoy reading the bits about each picture someone has taken as well. Thank you, very much, for the comment, Carl. All the very best to you, Sir :).

Very wonderful pictures. Stunning. Skies are so blue it makes me want to visit :)
Thanks for sharing.

Cheers @greenrun. Flights are cheap this time of year - just saying :). Yes, it was beautiful weather and a very much needed and appreciated break. Thanks for the comment and I hope to see you in Spain one day :).

I hope so too, it's on my bucket list :)

:) I hopefully move there next Summer, so I should be able to put fellow Steemians up for holidays. Either way, I hope you make it over there. There's a lot of nice places to visit in the World, for various reasons, but Spain I really like. I feel I could live there very easily.

Moving there looks like an awesome move. Pun intended :)
You are right, the world is big for one to spend it living at same place. Life's too short, which is understandable since we are dead for so long :)

.... and I've been stagnating in the same place for way too long. I don't know what I was thinking, really???

At least you are making a plan to move. Mine still on paper, yours already more than that.

Life is a short, warm moment, and Death is a long cold rest. - Pink Floyd, 'Free Four' - Obscured By Clouds.

1972? Wow. Just checked it out.

Top tune. The Syd Barrett days. You know it's very odd that you just put the date. I went to make a cup of tea and I normally do say the year to people when naming tunes and giving credits. Sometimes it's a guess, but I felt this was seventy two, but then I thought Saucerful of Secrets was '68, but then wasn't sure and concluded that this was about '70, '71. First instincts, eh? :)
One of my favourite Pink Floyd songs. Wot's Uh, The Deal is another really nice tune.... oh, 'If' is cool as well, from Atom Heart Mother, isn't it?

Hey GW, Coty and I were just talking chatting about you hoping you were ok. Was a bit worried cause hadn't seen you online in a while. Good to know you found yourself a beauty of a spot to take some well deserved time off. Sorry to say he and I could not carry the team last week as much as you have to present. Hopefully we will all go deep in the weeks to come and put up a challenge to the finish. Great pics and good luck with nipping that flying phobia.

Hi pot. Thanks for the kind comments and I'm sorry that you didn't have much joy at the tables, but as you say, hopefully we can turn things around a bit :). Yes, indeed, I do need to do something about the flying anxieties ha, ha. See you on the tables soon. Cheers @potplucker.