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RE: Extended travels #1 - Traveling around Brittany, France

in #travel7 years ago

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Yes, I accept. By all means share.

Thank you for the nomination. It has made my day @guyfawkes4-20 .

Awesome. I'm glad to hear that. I'll nominate you sometime in the next couple of days. :D
It's really great to see people quitting their job so they can do their passions. I respect you for that :D

Thank you.
I had to double check, but I realised that I had read some of your posts in the first few days I joined.

So you will know what I mean when I say I had enough of the system when I decided to follow my dreams.
The hardest part is actually following through after making the decision.
It means that I can no longer afford to buy STUFF, I don't need; but that is a good thing.

I spend my money on my passion,; experiences, and not on the latest gadgets, and that, for me is exhilarating !
I guess it's down to reading the graphic novel V for Vendetta in the late 80's, listening to and watching people like Bill Hicks and George Carlin that I have arrived at the point where I have agreed that there are alternatives to the way we are expected to live our lives by society.

Life is too short not to.

I totally get what you mean. That way of spending money is golden :D
Yes, George Carlin is the best. I really like his stuff.

I hope your nomination wins :)

Dude, I'm so happy for you. You got in: . You deserve it. Well done :D

Awesome news. Again thank you for the nomination.
I am currently up a mountain helping to put together a rock Festival. So haven't had much time to look at the internet.

Sure. :D You deserve it.
Rock Festival? That sounds amazing. I've never been at one even if I love the rock music. Shame on me.