Travel: Smelley beachlife

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Today was a really nice day full of exploring beaches around Dunedin. The day started fresh with a skinnydip session in the ocean at sunrise. Nothing beats a good skinnydip but damn this one was cold😅

Now we’re fully awake just start the van and go explore! First stop the strange Mouraki Boulders. Strange I hear you think? Yes strange as how do these boulders get there!? They just seem to get out off the cliffs... but even more strange at 9 o clock in the morning all those people have a look at them😂

Although it’s really a must see, we discovered a few beaches down south the same kind of boulders locked up in the rocky bottem, together with a real mermaid throne and seals! While entering the beach we awake one of the seals so we scared him and vice versa. So be aware of the seals taking a nap😴 and watch out for the rocks at low tide they’re slippery.

Three time guess i slipped offcourse 🙈

After that we went further down south on our way to see some rocky arches. But bad luck for us both roads leading to those are closed by roadworks. So we discovered long beach, beautiful beach with caves, dunes, big trees and indeed it’s kinda long!

After long beach we went to see some organpipes. I saw them once in Iceland. Perfect created basalt after cooling down flowing magma. But they’re standing out of the crowd so how did these form? Ok I prefer the looks from the Iceland version but the climbing around these pipes was way more fun.

We thought going to Dunedin after this but somehow we ended our day looking out over the ocean again with a beautiful sunset😍 But don’t think I will ever get used to looking at it while my back is turned towards the ocean!

And looking in the opposite direction

PS. Kiwi seals smells as much as the Dutch ones 🤢


Mate your photo's look horrible. You must feel awful. Please come back to us. ;)