A Person Traveling Alone

in #travel7 years ago

I don't really see myself or others as male or female or in-between, for that matter. When I meet someone, I see much deeper than that. I can get along with almost anyone. I have a pin that says "Love everyone and encourage anarchy". I love this. So, when people ask me what it's like to be a woman traveling alone, it really wasn't something I had thought about before. I am a person traveling alone. And, honestly, I love it. I know myself well enough and can read into things easily enough that I stay safe with no problem. It's all about staying open and trusting yourself. If something inside me says"don't go down that street" today, I listen. Tomorrow, the same street might not be a problem. I just read the energy of a situation.
A friend of mine posted this video on Facebook the other day: https://www.facebook.com/nasdaily/videos/829872800498207/?comment_id=10155553048558303&reply_comment_id=10155553340558303&notif_id=1515094781199082&notif_t=feed_comment_reply
I like this and see some truth in it. But, I've had the opposite experience as well. Some people view women traveling alone as someone they need to protect and while this is also prejudice, many people on my journey so far have gone out of their way to protect me and give me what I need. So, it is both easier and harder. The same goes for the label of American. Some people have tried to take advantage of this, assuming I'm rich or thinking it's cool to associate with someone from our country, while it's also a bonding agent for westerners in general and speaking English is typically the common tongue in international situations.
So, no matter what sex you identify with, you will have advantages and disadvantages. It is such a gift to give yourself to do something that so many other people are afraid to do. I am grateful every day for the opportunities I have given myself and that others have helped to embrace. Travel on!