Student Artwork on the US Consulate in Chiang Mai
It wasn't a competition but various schools from all over Chiang Mai were awarded a portion of the wall surrounding the United State Consulate to celebrate the "200 years of friendship!" It was actually 200 years of diplomatic relations and it is also unclear whether it was 180 or 200, i suppose it doesn't matter. Anyway, here are the goods!

I have no idea who these two are supposed to be, or what that land mass on the right is supposed to be... early colonial USA maybe?

Obama was President and if i am not mistaken Yingluck was PM of Thailand at the time

creative, probably my favorite of the bunch

I hope this one was made by children, because otherwise it looks like they didn't take the project seriously

I have very little in the way of artistic capabilities, but I'm thinking the face of the Statue of Liberty must be very difficult to do
Ok, I wouldn't exactly call any of these world-class artwork, but it was kind of nice to see. As I have mentioned before, Chiang Mai is a wonderland of street art and somehow they have managed to keep the garbage graffiti at bay for the most part too. It was just nice to see and thought it was a pleasant addition to what is normally (globally) a pretty stoic and boring building (any consulate building.)
Do you have a favorite?
That is interesting. I was going to ask what students mean in this context as their age can range from a very young age to university students and that defines their capabilities too.
You're right, these are not perfect but still, some are nice and funny 🙂
yeah, i didn't look into the age groups but some of them were from universities. I didn't recognize the names of all the schools.
I still remember the lesson in school, the Southeast Asian country that Western nations never colonized was Thailand. As a limiting country between French and British occupation, we know Thailand as a Buffer state.
it is no wonder that Thailand has good friendship with America.
From the painting that shows the tone I prefer number 3. full of meaning and unlimited in time. If the leader changes the painting, it doesn't need to be replaced. but if we fix it during someone's leadership, then it could be that when there is a transfer of power the painting will be set aside and replaced with paintings that fit the description of the new leader
And this painting will certainly make the wall more colorful and meaningful.
Thank you @gooddream
Warm regard from Indonesia
I really like the first one actually. Like you said though, not quite sure who the two guys would be. That is pretty cool that they did something like this. I wouldn't have guessed that that two countries have been that close for such a long time.
They only sponsored a particular theme! Relationship between the US and Thai. LoL
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well it was done in Thailand on the USA consulate, so it kind of makes sense doncha think?
Hahaha! I wouldn’t expect to see a Chinese theme there any way!!
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