KIte Beach, Dominican Republic : very entertaining place to have a beer
I do not kite board. As far as know there is no place to kiteboard in Thailand (where I live) and I have also heard that the equipment is extremely expensive (like $1000 ++.) Therefore, it is extremely unlikely I am ever going to get involved in this sport. I will say though, it looks like a lot of fun.
Anyway, this is about Kite Beach, which isn't even the name of the beach. I don't know what it is called. It is a part of Cabarete but a but further west from the main area. This beach apparently experiences the best constant wind coverage of the area and therefore people have set up kiting areas for a couple hundred meters. It They also have observation areas for people like me to have a beer and admire those who took the time to git gud at this.

There were very few absolute beginners as far as i could tell, but a good way to ID them is if they are wearing a helmet. Apparently this is how the more experienced kiters are able to give way to the people who have little control over their direction and i think it is nice the accommodate beginners like this (the surf world is NOT helpful like this.)

Anyway, whether or not you want to participate is subjective. You don't have to. For me, i was perfectly happy with paying $2 a beer and just watching the people who were really good at it do flips and what not.

he landed that, by the way

These action photos are crap, sorry but I have complained many times before that my camera is just on my phone and my phone was a mid-range phone when i bought it 4 years ago. It might be time to upgrade because I have been enjoying taking photos for the first time in a while.
definitely one of the sports I want to learn. surfing in that modality must be great!
Get a new phone already!!! Hehe. Yup. I would be content just sitting back and watching too. A nice beer sounds good too. As I grow older, any sport where there is a potential for serious injury, is off the list. How injured can we become by drinking brews?? Ummmm don’t answer that one. And please watch from a safe spot!
Interesante, gracias por su aporte.
The sport looks scary.
Nice capture though
It’s the atmosphere and good vibes that count!! I could feel the wind and strong waves, the refreshing energy to be at the beach! Very dynamic series of captured moods!
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Hello, @gooddream, what a pleasure to be by the sea and enjoy those views with a cold beer in your hand. I'd pay for that too, my friend. Keep enjoying your beach days. A hug.
yeah, we had a lot of fun and there were some seriously talented people out there. Plus a kite got impossibly wrapped around a coconut tree... and that is always fun.
Wao what a wonderful and best view for enjoying. I really like beach. Really republic is most wonderful country in the world. One i visit this beautiful country. INSHALLAH. Life is to short my friend lets make it fun. All peoples looks to much happy. Thats so good. I also like beer. The sport looks so wonderful. I m also enjoying this kite beach. Thanks for sharing. @gooddream.
Two things that I prefer watching from far rather than experiencing... Heights and large water bodies... I have a phobia of both so if I were there I'd settle for watching from a distance with a cold beer too :D
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