Travelling in the United States - Bryce Canyon

in #travel8 years ago

Wind, water and time have made Bryce Canyon the way it is now. Over a long period of time the sandstone cliff's eroded into these amazing pillars. Bryce Canyon is so silent and beautiful and some view have a dramatic and surreal effect that we could not believe our eyes.

We did several trails through the Canyon and saw so much beauty. We tried to capture all this beauty in our photos, but honesty needs us to say that this not compare to the beauty of seeing it with your own eyes. Never the less, enjoy them :)

Look at that amazing view! Do you spot the horses? You can do a horse back riding trail through the Canyon.

This pilar is called Thor's hammer.

They call this one the Natural Bridge, but this name is actually misleading since this is one of the several natural Arches in Bryce Canyon. The form is made by a combination of erosion of a river or stream and by frost wedging.

Frost wedging happens when the water surrounded the rocks turns to ice and the expanding cracks and the melting ice weaken the rock. Finally the week points collapse or are pulled down by gravity and create these arches.





All these shapes must have taken hundred of thousands of years to get this form. Do you spot the cone shape on the last picture. Gravity and erosion did a nice job shaping this one*


Over time this stream will create a new shape in the rocks, but we will not be around to see this. Probably our grandchildrens childrens will see the first shapes created.




We went all the way down here. Going down was easy, going back up was a different story.




Temperature differences can be huge in Bryce Canyon. Do you spot the snow on the mountains in the back?



Look what water, wind and time did to these rocks. Erosion did a great job here

We really enjoyed Bryce Canyon and the beauty of it. We can really recommened it to you!

As always we appreciate your Upvote and if you want to stay informed about our adventures please do Follow us. We tend to do our best to reply on all the comments given, so please feel free to leave a sentence or two in the comments.

Have a wonderful day and remember.. Always GoCoconuts! 😉


Beautiful! This looks like a great place to go!:) Please check my little journey that I made soon. I hope you enjoy my photos. @nakedchef89

Incredible pictures, I would just love to visit this place!

Well, don't let us stop you ;) Have fun

Really great pictures. I like how people put up photos of their travels. It encouraged me to put up photos of past vacations and travels as well. My first one I put up a couple days ago when I went to London. Now im visiting other peoples pages looking at their travels! Nice, upvoted!

Thanks for your great comment! All these travel photo's makes you catching a travel virus if you don't watch out ;)

That's for sure true! I will be putting up other posts a week apart of other vacations that I've been on and this October the wife and I will be going to Rome. We're already talking about going to Majorca Spain, Texas and Colombia next year. Looking at all these travel posts certainly reinforces those feelings! lol. It's great to see the world though. I grew up in the Bronx, and outside of similar neighborhoods I didnt really know much of anything outside of NYC inner-city neighborhoods. The moment I got my passport the entire world changed for me. One of the most important pieces of identification that I recommend every person have. Oh, and you're welcome on the comment. Thanks for putting up such awesome pics. :-)

I will have to keep an eye out for your posts then! Those are great destinations you are going to. Keep travelling, because it keeps you young and openminded :) Nothing can beat a great adventure.

Beautiful! This looks like a great place to go!:) Please check my little journey that I made soon. I hope you enjoy my photos. @nakedchef89

Thank you! Saw your post. An amazing and beautiful place too

Nice pictures, my friend! This inspires me to go on an adventure!

Adventure is always good! It keeps us young :)

Such an amazing place! I still regret not having the time to visit it...will be on my list for the next roadtrip!

Once it is on your list you are half way there, just have to take the final step and go!

Amazing travel and nice captured on photography ma man.

Thank you. Appreciate it :)

You are welcome.
Lets join my blog my friend

Oh my. What beauty!

We think so too :)

nice photos @gococonuts .. stay safe on your travels !

Thanks friend! Will try to do so, but have to go a little Coconuts sometimes 😉