The journey begins: Two Aussies wander the world

in #travel6 years ago

A fairly rude 4:45am wake up call and a short drive to the airport heralded the first leg of our vacation today. It’s been 6 months in planning (and saving) and there’s a couple of people I’d like to thank for the opportunity. Firstly, my wife Faith, who works tirelessly on our business and also rides my ass to keep me in line at all [most] times. Faith has planned most of the places to visit and that will be of interest to us when in the UK and did all the gift-shopping for our little niece in Finland for which I, naturally, will take all the credit. The second person I’d like to credit for this vacation is the indomitable and most highly esteemed..Well, me! Yep, I am thanking myself which may not seem conventional however this trip has been provided for by us, our hard work, effort, ability to save and to go without and of course by our ethos to design and create our ideal life. Thank you Faith, the love of my life, and thank you @galenkp, you’re a champ!

So, we find ourselves in the Adelaide Airport awaiting our flight. We have cleared the first security screening in which my unbroken record of being randomly explosive-screened was indeed broken. We will go through another screening to get into the International Departure Lounge where I have another chance to get randomly screened and then it’ll be boarding time. The first leg is Adelaide-Singapore with an 8 hour layover then the long haul flight Singapore-London. It’ll be a great trip I think. We’ve not been to the UK before and considering both our ancestry’s began there we are looking forward seeing what it’s all about. It’s also been a long while since I saw my family in Finland so we’re looking forward to that reunion. Thirteen years is too long.

Anyway, I had better finish up now, Faith left me here to write this little blog whilst she looks through the Victoria’s Secret shop here in the terminal...That could be costly and so I better go see what she’s doing. I hope some of you guys [all of ya’ll] follow our travels over the next six weeks though; I’ll try to respond to any replies when I can.

Faith & Galen x


@galenkp You have earned a random upvote from @botreporter & @bycoleman because this post did not use any bidbots.

Faith and Galen, I hope you have a wonderful vacation! :)

Thanks Daniella, we’re looking forward to the trip. I’ll keep my eye on your blog and drop past when I can. You know me :)

Happy journey @galenkp. I will be following your travel blogs.

She looks very pretty with this hair color. Well both of you look nice. Have a nice Holiday :)

Well both of you looks nice

Yes, but I run a very distant second... :)

Thanks @hanen

Owwwww you both look so happy! <3 I'm so glad for you. Have a wonderful time! Wow, you're really going to be gone for a while :O Six weeks..
wow, sounds like awesome fun!
And don't worry they don't seem to have any good stuff in airport Victoria's Secret (not that I'm a fan of thebrand), so I think you're good :P

Yep, it’s a long time! Just made it through exit-customs and they joked they might not let us back in due to the length of stay abroad. :) They will though, Australia would not be the same without me!

Faith didn’t buy anything at the VS shop. My wallet was in no danger. She’s not a big shopper to be honest.

Great! I'm sure you'll have an amazing time together! Looking forward to your posts...

Thanks @amritadeva, I appreciate your reply.

Okay, so which tactic did you use that led to the breaking of the explosives screening tests? Congratulations! That's not cool having to go through it twice, though. They could have been just messing with you in the first line. Oh, well.

I generally end up doing all the logistical work for any of our trips, so kudos to your wife for all the hard work. Okay, you, too, then. :)

I hid behind myself...Some clever person advised this may work. It obviously did. :) it’s actually quite a bit harder than it sounds. Unlikely I’d attempt that difficulty level again.

Happy and sad at the same time bro :D Catch ya on the flip side.

Have an awesome time!

Just boarded: Exciting vacay here we come! :)

Woohoo trip is go.