How did I quit my job and started traveling

in #travel7 years ago

Before drastic changes you always need to put your priorities. But when you wake up every day already sad and mad that you need to go to your office job - maybe it is time to change something. A lot of people say ‘’I can quit any time, I will work a bit and then I will quit’’. I say,- “You can always come back’’. If you already had a job somewhere, after your travels you will look even better.

So if talking about my story - I quitted many times. :D Deep inside me I always knew I want to be free and travel, enjoy life. But the outside world was always telling me to find a job, settle and live happily ever after. Somehow I did not feel that way. So after working 6months in one tourism agency I just quit and start traveling around Europe. During that time worked in some bars, hotels - just to get some money for the living but nothing fancy.

Then… I fall into the trap again. I agreed to work in another tourism agency. I was so happy for the first month - learning new things, being useful and so on. But after a while I realised nop, this is not my place neither…
It is very easy to fall to your comfort zone, routine and don’t worry about the future.. But that is how life passed by and you do not even realise it.

To be honest - this place gave me an opportunity to find myself - a tour guide course. Since I finished I started to work as a tour guide in my city and in this case travel every single day with the stories of my tourists! That is so much fun too! And of course as I am independent I can travel whenever I want.

But in the north of Europe tourism season is mostly during the summer - this winter I got myself a challenge to visit 4 continents in just few months!
Europe, Asia, South America and North America from November to May. So follow my adventures here - I will try to write during the travels so I can share everything with you guys! :)
Let me know which continent is most interesting for you!