From The Land Of 10,000 Lakes and One Unbelievable Toilet Paper Shortage

in #travel5 years ago (edited)

Well, I made it ten days. I can say, with no doubt, this is the longest I've been away from Steemit since July of 2016. I've tried to make the most of those 240 hours. Honestly, I've really missed the community here.

In those ten days I set out on a journey that just may occupy the next few years of my life. I've been taking classes and learning all I can about starting the travel vlog I've been talking about for the past few months. What I learned is there is much more to it than meets the eye. I've been researching equipment (it's expensive), brainstorming about a name/theme for the channel that would set it apart, thinking of what merch would be best to create before I begin, etc.

Shortly after I announced my break from the platform it was like the Universe started guiding me in all of these new directions. Very quickly I discovered everything I needed to begin this next phase. I couldn't help but chuckle at how similar my experience felt to Netflix's algorithm. You know how they offer you suggestions for content based on what you've previously watched? Once I changed my direction, intention, and my thoughts the universe complied and I found all of this inspiration in the areas I was exploring. Amazing.

My New Path

One idea that keeps popping in my mind is The Curious Poet. The plan would be to travel the world taking a deep dive into different cities around the globe, meeting new people, and using cryptocurrency to help make it all happen. At the end of each episode I would write a poem about the experience, auction that poem to the highest bidder, and give the proceeds a local charity (decided in part by subscribers).

This is just one idea and it's still a bit fuzzy around the edges. I figured this might help to turn a few more people on to how extremely useful and revolutionary cryptocurrency is, especially if the channel ends up with a large number of subscribers. One thing this experience has reinforce in me is it's never too late to take your life in a completely new direction.

I'd like to give a shout out to some YouTubers who are teaching me a lot and providing much needed inspiration --- the Vagabrothers and Simon Wilson. Subscribe and add them to your self-imposed quarantine won't be sorry. I've quickly become a fan of Simon's channel in particular.


Simon Wilson

In Other News

What a different world we're all living in than when I last signed off! Life here in Minnesota is so drastically different and the Coronavirus isn't supposed to peak here for another two months. Things are changing rapidly. I've just heard San Franciso is in full lockdown, similar to Italy, and more cities will be sure to follow.

After this I will never, ever, see toilet paper the same way in my entire life. Although gastrointestinal symptoms aren't reported as being among the symptoms of COVID-19 it will definitely come in handy when people see their 401k values in the coming months. All joking aside, this is going to be devastating for the economy. The crypto markets, although drastically down, are showing resiliency. For one, they haven't had to be injected with over a trillion dollars by the Fed to keep them afloat.

I'll keep this brief for now but wanted to pop back and see how everyone is doing during this crisis. One thing I'm trying not to be during this hysteria is remain neutral, to sit back and do nothing. I want to find ways in which to help.

Please look out for those around you who are elderly or vulnerable and check in on them from time to time. Isolation is the worst thing in the world for us. Just knowing that someone is thinking of them may make all the difference in the world to them.

Wash those hands, take care of one another, and try to remember that this too shall pass.

Be well, friends.

~Eric Vance Walton~

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the Steemit blockchain

My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

Let’s Keep In Touch

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The Curious Poet sounds like that is right(write) up your alley. Be sure to include the Republic of Texas on your list of countries to visit. We have quite a history here, and more being made very soon.
Peace and blessings,

I will definitely consider Texas. We drove through the northwest corner during our trip to Sedona but I'd like to see more. Thanks my friend!

The world does seem to have gone completely mad, at least in terms of overreacting. Granted, I'm in Washington state, near Seattle, which is allegedly "ground zero" for COVID-19 in the US. But people are shopping like grocery stores will never have anything on their shelves, ever again.

We're taking our voluntary quarantine pretty much in stride, using the home time to catch up on creative projects and such.

The hysteria and fear are even more contagious than the virus and seem to correlate more with how the story is being told in the media and being handled by the government. I'm glad to hear you are in panic-mode and are using this time wisely!

Welcome back! :) This is what drives me nuts... So I am not really in panic mode. I get it sucks, but I understand why they are doing the social distancing thing. The problem is these people that are panicking are making me have to panic because their behavior is going to keep me from getting what I need when I do eventually need it. I don't like being dependent on other people or the fact that their actions are going to impact me. Hopefully all the crazies get what they need and lock themselves for a while so the rest of us can socially distance ourselves in peace.

Thanks! I made it for an entire ten days. I may set a goal for just a few posts per week going forward, we'll see.

I've learned a couple things from all this hysteria: 1) the media has tremendous influence over the average person (even more than I thought); and 2) People have proven how completely irrational they are.

The economic impact of all of this is what frightens the hell out of me. Crypto will be just fine eventually but the traditional markets are getting completely rekt, we'll be feeling the effects of that for a long time to come. I think this is cryptocurrency's time to shine.

One thing is for sure, the world will never be quite the same after this.

Indeed! I had a feeling something was going to happen in 2020 with the markets, but I never would have guessed it would be like this. It is totally crazy. I feel like my move to only posting five days a week and taking the weekends off has really helped me keep things fresh and less stressful.

Me too! So many people were saying how the economy was headed into a Recession. I guess this virus was the perfect storm to make that happen. Taking that break was healthy for me and renewed my creative spark. I hope to find a schedule that works and is more balanced. Cheers!

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