Traversing Time, Space & Ego
I am flying through the air at 563 mph right now! Airplane travel is an amazingly mind-boggling thing. Just the fact that my body/mind is even able to maintain a reltively calm state while traveling through time and space this quickly is incredible - not to mention the fact that I'm able to sit here and type away at this while literally soaring over the Pacific Ocean!

I'm on my way from San Francisco, CA (where I had a quick layover coming from my hometown of Portland, OR) to Singapore, where I have one night to enjoy as a layover on my way to meet a long-time friend in the Philippines (specifically, Cebu). My body is handling these first few hours (I think it's about hour 5) of this 16ish hour flight pretty well. I've found a nice little hallway in the middle of the plane is a nice spot to stretch before or after using the lavatory.
I've already made a pretty art thing, and journaled a bit, and eaten most of the vegan (which the lovely, though seemingly quite depressed flight attendant pronounced "vae-gan" which sounds a lot like “Vedic” to me - a fun coincidence as I draw this Hindu symbol for harmony...

Gayatri Yantra
There seems to be only one somewhat unhappy 2-year-old (currently crying) on the plane with all of us. It's really nottoo bad though. The "vaegan" Italian pasta dish was actually quite good! And they gave me a warm towel first thing - so I'm quickly becoming a fan of Singapore Airlines on my maiden voyage here.
I believe we'll be crossing the international date line pretty soon... which I understand to be basically an arbitrary line some people decided to draw on a globe and place a lot of significance upon. My pretty basic understanding is that this line is the main reason why I will essentially get to experience what we call "Wednesday" twice in a row today... or tomorrow... or perhaps yesterday... could it be all three?!

Sidenote: a dear (human) friend of mine recently told me about the Turtle calendar... sounded like a less linear way of looking at time, which personally I am very intrigued by. Anyone know anything about this?
I'll let you do the research if you're so inclined. My point is that I will be in this wonderful little rocket capsule jetting through time and space for a real long time. Good thing I didn't sleep the night before my 6:30 am morning flight - so I have been loving the ease of napping today :)
So, a note about Ego....
I have been posting here on Steemit since July, so just a few months, and have done so off and on. I really enjoy having space to write, and notice the pleasant feelings I experience when I receive affirmation or appreciation from others when they see what I have posted. There is also a genuine feeling of joy that I sense just in the writing and posting itself - like a journal, it's a space that feels sacred because it's a place I am collecting many of my creative works.
You may have noticed that I have been fairly anonymous on here. I am purposefully experimenting with not attaching my creative works to my name, face, or typical identity. This feels connected to ego for me... At first I wasn't clear on why or how I really wanted to go about posting on Steemit (and I'm still just letting it evolve, always), but this has been coming up with increasing frequency (especially as I've been saying goodbyes to friends and family who inevitably want to stay in touch (and I do too, don't get me wrong!)...
I was feeling a bit awkward and private at first about giving out a link to this blog to my friends and family... I have realized that this was coming from some anxiety about how my friends and family might judge me based on their exposure to this blog. I was still trying to manage my media presence and have control over who people think I am.
But you know what? I actually just want to be me. Because I am AWESOME. And what I do in life, though sometimes I do things for others too, ultimately I have to be living for myself, doing things for my own good - otherwise there is no way I could (nor would I want to) sustain it.

I believe that the right people are always drawn to what has been created with love and hope and curiosity. If you are reading this, I consider myself fortunate to share theese words with you, and I would love to hear from you if you feel called to comment/reach out about your own thoughts on any of the above <3
So much love!
I started writing this post while I was on the plane during approximately hour 5 or 6 of 58ish hours of travel to get to Cebu City in the Philippines. Now I'm here! More on my travels to come...
I post my thoughts, feelings, art, poetry, and whatever else I feel like on steemit @emblm :) follow me if you like!