The Renaissance Festival, south of Atlanta.

This is one of the most entertaining festivals around. Every employee is an actor and each is always "on." Once inside the colorful, bustling old European village, you are likely to be approached by any number of locals, from the kissing wench to the village idiot, all intent on drawing you into the fun.
The first time I went (many years ago) one of my companions asked a pickle-seller for directions to the restroom. No sooner had my friend turned to head that way than the pickleman hopped up on his barrel and loudly called for the attention of everyone. Then he announced that should anyone need the facilities, they could all form a line behind my (by now very red-faced) friend, because he was going.

To keep the weeds down on the path to the rest rooms, they sell beer, wine and mead (a sweet wine made from honey in the Renaissance time period) as well as coffee, soft drinks and tea. While the roast turkey legs may be the most popular entree, there is a tremendous variety of foods - all done well. They sell pickles, green beans, potatoes, mushrooms, all fried as well as fish and chips and shrimp and chips. (Hey, it's a festival!) Also steak on a stake, pork loin on a stake, chicken on a (you get the picture. Oh, and macaroni and cheese on a stick.) Meat pies, bangers and mash, toad in a hole. Really, go to eat.

But there's also a lot to do. There are games and rides for the kids, jousting, the birds of prey show, parrots, dancing horses, acrobats, comedians, music and the washing well wenches. The king and his court parade through the village several times during the day on the way to the shows.

Amazing festival! Looks like a trip back in time