Why Hamburg is the best City in the world! 7 reasons why its worth a visit and why you would enjoy it! #Part1

in #travel8 years ago

Hello Steemians

I just want to promote the city I live in a bit, by sharing some nice places, which
are definitly worth a trip.

Reason 1: The modern HafenCity

If you're into modern architecture, you MUST have seen this! It is a completely newly built part of the town, built on the site of the former Freihafens. The infocenter in the boiler house and in the Überseequartier provide information on the development history and the development plans. Probably the most famous but also the most notorious project is the Elbphilharmonie, since 2007 under construction and 2016 after many problems finally finished.



Reason 2: St Pauli and the Reeperbahn

What would a Hamburg trip without a detour into the district of St. Pauli ?!
The Clubs, bars and restaurants are lined up here, and the Red Light District is so colorful, loud, and lively at night! In the course of the Reeperbahn, there is a very special public square devoted to a particular band whose career has been laid in Hamburg: the Beatles-Platz! With its black flooring and circular shape, it is modeled on a record. On the edge are silhouettes of the band members.


Reason 3: Art, regional history, miniatures and memorials

Hamburg stands for culture and proves this with about 60 museums and galleries. Seven state museums and numerous private museums and collections make the hearts of cultural junkets beat faster. From art in the "Kunsthalle", the "Museum of Art and Crafts", the "Deichtorhallen" and the "Bucerius Kunstforum" to museums on regional history and a folklore museum to "Miniatur Wunderland" with the largest model railway in the world The museum ship "Rickmer Rickmers" and the "Panoptikum", Germany's oldest wax figurine cabinet, is the right thing for every taste.


Reason 4: The Harbor of Hamburg

Hamburg is proud of its harbor. No wonder, because it is just great to marvel at the ships, to enjoy the special atmosphere and there is a harbor round trip, where a guide is available for the various sights and the city. At the harbor and along the Elbe you will find lots of sights, but more. It is particularly nice to have the harbor at night.

It is also called "The gate to the world"


I hope you find the time to visit Hamburg, you will love it!