Re-thinking everything I thought I knew

in #travel5 years ago

There are very few truly life-changing moments in your life. And you tend to think that they would happen in an extraordernary setting. On top of a mountain, in the middle of the ocean, on your self-help trip. But sometimes a single video is enough.

Right now I am at a crossway in life with university ending and the pressure of finding a "real" job is coming closer with every day that passes. I always knew I wanted one thing: Make money to go travelling. A true trip around the world, not just a short holiday. And I thought I would do it either before I seriously start working or after a few years of job experiences. It is the sensibel thing to do, really.

However, as my time at Uni comes to an end, the thought of starting working in the field I studied only becomes more distant. So I planned a route, the cost of the flights and the amount of time and money I could spare. The result was quite unsatisfactory to be honest.

I began to ask myself: Do I really want to rush through a few countries in a few months until my money runs out? There was less excitement and more doubt on my mind. Then there is also the knowledge that flying is immensely bad for the environment. I usually push that thought aside (I mean I already live very consiously, so it can't be that bad, riiiiight?).

While I struggled with all that, I came upon a video just at the right time. A couple. Travelling the word. Withought flying, with barely andy money.

And I knew I could do it too!

Sometimes it can seem scary to follow your dreams, but you just need to overcome those fears holding you back. This is all I will share for now about my journey.


To be continued...