conscious self just aware of people
**LOVE **
phrase that looks simple but has a tremendous meaning.In the sentence terselip meaning that love is a particle in it has a charge like a form of affection.If something looks appropriate for us like it, then we also pour out unmatched love for him. we do not have the power to hurt him, but the question now is that we once understood that love is a very complicated thing for us to understand until now, even we are wrong in interpreting it.This nature then we can not wear clothes that are basically the material used for make a piece of yarn that is sourced from nature or paper that we often dab we even throw without tampa the reason that we know it is made from natural jua.Now after knowing this whether we still think bahwan we nature lovers?
The point is we may not be able to say again that we are nature lovers, but we are able to do things that can show that we really care about the natural world. If we can not use all things that have to do with nature then it is not love, because everyone who loves will have a reply from the word love. Yes ... like nature, maybe everything we use for our life needs is a form of love that nature gives us. Such is the irony of real love, that every beloved person will have an element of love as well. And that's what nature does with people at the moment. But that does not mean we should not use anything for our needs which may all come from nature, because everything we need right now, is purely of the whole of nature but whether we can not use this kind of thing for the needs of human life even though we know it from nature? Even if we think that the love of nature as perception above then until we can not survive because we also eat that day also from nature or water that we swallow as a repeater the same sensation also comes from nature but love nature is different from human love when stalking the realm we demand rewards for our benefit in order to survive but if human love is the form we want to remain happy. The form of human love particles aka the tones of the element of love, hate, and crave is a normal love but a form of natural love that we can explain with our efforts in an effort to preserve nature, caring and stay beautiful and will always have the benefit of outside normal for human life.

Follwo me @daltonalbar