Why are there no room checks now when checking out of a hotel? Internal employees revealed the truth, which really improved their knowledge.

When we go on business or travel, most of us will use hotels as our temporary residence. Compared with other places, hotels can give us a better living experience. After all, most hotels are fully equipped, and this alone is unmatched by other places. For those who often stay in hotels, they will find this phenomenon. Many hotels no longer conduct room checks when checking out. What happened?


  1. Improvement of hotel security system.

Nowadays, most hotels have carried out comprehensive security system upgrades, and monitoring systems have been installed in lobbies, elevators, stairs, etc. If something is damaged in the room you live in, the hotel can retrieve your image and identity information based on the monitoring system and coordinate compensation with you.


  1. Resident information is more comprehensive.

In the past, when checking in at a hotel, information was usually registered manually. Mistakes would inevitably occur during the manual registration process. Now the hotel has been fully upgraded. When checking in at the hotel, you need to show your ID card and the computer will automatically enter the information. Your information will also match the room you live in, so the hotel can easily contact you if there is any problem with items being damaged.


  1. Improvement of customer consumption quality.

I don’t know if you have noticed that today’s young people are more qualified than the older generation. In the past, people rarely went out, so when they stayed in a hotel, they would be very interested in the various furnishings and objects in the hotel, and even They want to take these things home secretly, but things are different now for young people. They have seen everything since they were young, and they even often stay in hotels, so everything in the hotel is unattractive to them.

After use, these things will be put back to the same place, and there will be no thought of taking them home. For some young people who live a refined life, they also feel that the things in the hotel are too dirty, so they bring their own daily necessities. As for the things in the room, they don't use them if they can. Even if something is damaged during use, they will proactively inform the front desk and provide compensation. Because the overall quality has improved, there is no need to come for ward rounds.


  1. Conducive to improving customer experience.

Due to the influence of the general environment, there is now a huge competitive trend in all walks of life, and hotels are no exception. So how can hotels stand out from the competition? The method is very simple, which is to improve customer experience. After all, hotels exist as a service industry. Since it is a service industry, it should put customers first and give customers the ultimate experience. Only in this way can the reputation of the hotel be improved and more people come to stay.

Some people describe the act of "ward rounds" as being like being searched in public. Obviously he just slept in the hotel and didn't move anything, but the hotel's behavior seemed to be guarding him, for fear that he would have to compensate for losing something. Although I can understand the hotel's operation, I feel somewhat uncomfortable. Moreover, check-out also takes a certain amount of time. If you have to catch a flight or a high-speed train, you may be delayed due to check-out.