My Scotland Trip: Why My Time-lapse Is Like A Blockchain

in #travel9 years ago (edited)

The Trip

In March this year my girlfriend (Natasha) and I went on a trip to Scotland, neither of us had been before. We were joined by a good friend of mine and a lovely family with three brilliant kids.

As Natasha has pretty bad motion sickness and has to see ahead of her at all times in cars, I took the back seat for the entire journey; which allowed me a great chance to get to know all the kids as they were on rotation between cars. I am 6'3", so a two door hatchback that we were stuffed with at the car rental should have been hell but wasn't too bad I'm happy to report.

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Scotland is EPIC. The weather was as moody as Scottish folklore and that's what made it one of the loveliest places I have been to this year. We took the train from London to Edinburgh and blitzed the country by car, 5 days, 5 locations; Edinburgh, Glen Co, Oban, Silver Sands and finally the Isle of Skye. The distilleries were epic, the whiskey was epic and haggis is not bad at all.

Also to note, at the AirBnB we were staying in in Glen Co, we managed to see Pine Martins in the wild. To be fair the owners did leave peanut butter outside at night. According to our hosts, David Attenborough, the famous British wildlife presenter said that the one animal he has yet to see in the wild is the Pine Martin.

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The Timelapse (Block-Lapse) ***:)

As a professional motion graphics artist and someone who studied film and animation, photography was a big part of my course and is a big part of my life. Check out my first two posts and you will get a much better picture of my professional background and abilities. Here is a pic of my blocks in action :).

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I've always had a particular way of taking pictures. When setting up shots like group photos for example, I start shooting long before the people are ready as I firmly believe that once you're ready the picture doesn't look natural. By this point I've already amassed a medium to large database of images of the event.

I apply the same approach to taking pictures of anything really. Whether it is taking pictures of a butterfly, Natasha or out the car window.

Timelapse is like a blockchain. Each interesting event in the journey is like a block. Some blocks have more investment in them naturally, like group photos (trying to get all the kids in one picture at the same time!) or a particularly beautiful stretch of scenery.....or Natasha :). All the other snapshots of the trip represent smaller blocks with smaller investment but still part of the chain which forms the story.

The way I take pictures when I'm on a trip, end up producing really quirky time-lapse animations it seems. Remember, this is not a planned time-lapse, I was going through my iPhotos flipping through really quickly and right there in front of me was an animation. Does the trip justice. Happy accident!

The track was sourced from

Hope you enjoy the video. Feel free to comment or make suggestions below.



Brilliant video and incredible shots of the countryside, clearly you are very talented with the camera and your girlfriend is very pretty ;-)

I love the first photography! So nice! :)

Thanks a lot autofic! Glad you like it!

I will be uploading more photo journals and time-lapses as time goes by so keep an eye out :)

Thanks! Glad you liked it.

There's more to come so keep an eye out for me in the future!

Absolutely awesome man! That so works!! love it :-D

I wanna see more now...


Thanks dude!

Glad you liked it maing.
Steem has got me buzzing like never before. Creative juices a flowing and all that good stuff.

Will keep the motion graphics coming...I promise!