Walking Where the Force Awakens, Part 1: The Ascent — Skellig Michael (Yes, the Star Wars Last Jedi Hermit Island... but also a World Heritage Site)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Fewer than sixteen thousand people set foot on this island in a year; some of them never get past the lower approach, some have fallen to their deaths on the way up. And, though I didn't know until I got there, a Jedi has called it home.

      I've actually written about my grand luck and the stormy approach to Skellig Michael in a previous post, talking about the incredible avian life surrounding the island.

In Portmagee, Ireland, life hinges on about thirteen small boats, chugging to and from the small dock a few times a day. Those few vessels ferry tourists to the Skellig islands, or up and down the stunning coasts and along the Kerry Cliffs; just as they carry bright-eyed adventure seekers across the water, in return they bring home the lifeblood of the town's economy.

      So after basically begging my way onto a boat with the most incredible luck, I crossed heaving waters and braved a rain of shite to make it to the base of the island. All of the boats arrive at once, and leave at once. Provided the weather doesn't cancel the trips (which happens around forty percent of the time, with no warning) you're there for the day. At the bottom, a caretaker explains the dangers of climbing the rock face, and takes you through what to do if you experience vertigo or have a panic attack. While I thought this was kind, it seemed a bit extreme. Then, I started to climb.

Seabirds cling to ledges no wider than an inch or two, as the winding climb up the island takes you along the edge of the crashing surf. There are no handrails or barriers.

      The stairs are hewn from the living rock, or are awesomely heavy slabs laid and held only by gravity. Careful stacks of shale, placed just so, perch along the contours of the mountain face. The idea that sandaled monks carved and carried and cajoled any path to ascend out of the harsh cliff is a truly incredible one. After only about twenty steps, the reality had begun to set in that my upwards trajectory was nearly vertical, and any slight misstep would be also... albeit in the opposite direction. In the preliminary warnings, the caretaker had pointed out that if you fell, it was best that you either hoped you bounce, or die on impact, as getting help out to the islands is not an easy task. I've mentioned before that I'm not afraid of heights, but pairing the views of the empty ocean expanse with the single foot of rock between my solid stance and open air, I could see very easily how someone could become overwhelmed and disoriented. Three out of the small group I was with opted out of the climb before even starting.

This standing plinth marks one of the first landings. A solitary figure eternally watching the waves, abraded by hundreds of years of the fury of the water and wind, it's almost soft and rounded looking. It's also just now become incredibly recognizable, due in part to the trailers for The Last Jedi. See if you can spot it and some of the other views I share in this post.

      Half way up, my palms were decidedly clammy. In some spots, I needed to bend forwards and monkey-climb on all fours to keep my equilibrium as I moved through a particularly steep or narrow section. Everywhere, puffins watched inquisitively from cracks in the rocks or sitting, fluffed up and unconcerned, in small tufts of greenery. I mean, for me, puffins are one of the most adorably cool things in the world that I've always wanted to see — and oddly and honestly, all I could think about was not embarrassing myself in front of them by falling and dying horrifically. Yeah, I really don't know either.

From the first plateau, looking across to Little Skellig, a protected island where no humans are allowed to step. The flat path from where the boats are moored to the base of the stone steps is visible, with the newly added retaining wall.

The view in the opposite direction, with some of the stairs visible; the sheer tumble waiting for those who trip is pretty apparent here.

      Before reaching the monastery at the top, there is a flat path of carefully laid stones. Standing there, flexing my toes in subtle dips worn by hundreds of years of dozens of shuffling supplicants, I twirled until I was dizzy. (Which, admittedly, was stupid.) The view... oh friends, the view. Across from me, a valley with a vertical set of stairs descending into it, and a thin, snaking path up to a drop to the ocean, and a rock face that leads to a single introspective cell, barely visible in these photos. You must have mountain climbing training and credentials, and apply more than a year in advance to even be considered for an attempt at the barely-there handholds. To the left, open air, and a dizzying look at the stairs I just conquered. Continuing around, the entrance to the terraced gardens leading to the beehive cells.

It defies words, to stand in a place that feels older than time itself, buffeted by winds that have swept the entire world to still somehow end up here to meet you in a welcome both threatening and exhilarating.


If you squint, you can see a slight, single standing stone marking a path around the edge of the promontory to the hermitage, at the middle right, on an outcropping. The path is visible as well, from the cleft in the rock, down into the valley below.

I immediately scrambled down the stairs to run through the grassy island center to climb into the vee-shaped indent. For scale, see the few birds, and imagine the path is about four feet wide. Standing in that space and viewed from the vantage point here, I'd barely show in this picture.

      Having done my best mountain goat impression through the grass and up the scree, I sat carefully in the window created by the fold in the rock and looked out over one of the closed paths up to the pass. While it looks alright from this vantage, it essentially ends in a drop that can only be navigated with climbing gear, and is water slick and treacherous year round. No one is allowed to come up that route now; movie producers have built a helicopter pad on the opposite side of the island to avoid the unpleasantness of boat rides and deadly storms and climbing. (Later at home, I would realize that this is where Rey first sees Luke Skywalker pull back his hood to reveal his face, extending the lightsabre in silent entreaty, as the camera spirals outwards to highlight the stark, lonely rock. I'll admit, my inner fangirl squeed. HARD.)

      As I dangled my feet I considered what it would be like to live on this rock with essentially nothing, seemingly apart from space and time. I absentmindedly tugged on a rusted rope piton left from first explorations of the island (barely visible by my foot in the last photo), and a chunk crumbled away in my fingers. A bit of a sobering reminder that this side of the island is dormant for many reasons, I decided to cross the valley again and head into the monastery itself.

These photos and words are my own work, inspired by travels all over this pretty blue marble of ours. I hope you like them. 🌶️


Hi, I'm Crimmi. I help run a top 30 Steemit witness, along with my project partner @followbtcnews. Feel free to reach out to us on Steemit Chat or Discord at any time! If we haven't earned your vote yet, please take some time to look at our tools and our work — place a vote for followbtcnews if you feel we're doing a good job.


once again, breathtaking photography and awesome writing. you have a talent for making your subject come alive, of putting the reader in the action . ive often wondered what life was like for the ancients celts and monks. wonderful time travel!

You just said my mind bro.

It was kind of mindblowing to imagine living in a rock cell with rock bed with rock seats with rock EVERYTHING and absolutely nothing else, on a rock, with the only view being another rock. As far as solitude and contemplation goes...well, not much else to do.

Was very lucky with the weather and definitely one of those times I thanked all sorts of nameless deities. <3

The pictures and your incredibly intimate tale are, as some have already noted in the comments, absolutely breathtaking.

"...I twirled until I was dizzy."

You may be the bravest, most adventurous nut I have never met.

We definitely need to party sometime =D

Thanks for taking me on that journey with you. I feel like I can now rest, satisfied that I never actually have to make that terrifying climb personally =p

Oh, yeah, Kudos on 'squeed'. I'm actually pretty sure that's not actually an actual word, but I'm also pretty sure that maybe I might have known exactly what you meant. You have such a gift for writing. And photography. And radio. And being an all around bad ass.

Thank you so much, bawwwwww...and "squeeee" sounds exactly as you would imagine, I simply took the very generous liberty of making it into a verb. I must admit, all of my talents seem to converge a bit here, but I appreciate the people who actually enjoy them and get a chance to read. It means a lot on a platform full of incredible opinions and talented creators.

The twirling at the top was much safer- it's about a fifteen foot wide ledge up there. :)

Super duper duper rad. Had mixed feelings about the film but the set design was pretty untouchable. Incredible you got to go there and see it yourself.

Just heard about your metal show (is show the right word?) Stoked.

well, it's mostly me just sitting in front of a microphone playing weird music and saying very silly things :D

I'm not 100% sure where I stand on the movie, but I can say that the island does truly feel like something out of someone's imagination, as opposed to being real. I loved it.

My main source of income is weird music! I’m going to get cinemechanica (one of my more math metal-y projects) posting content on here soon and I’ll send yah digital copies of whatever you want for your show!

do this! I would love to feature all sorts of stuff. If you have a spotify or the like, link me up~

I'm not going to say it's the best tag of all time, but I'm certainly not going to say it isn't the best tag of all time. Also... fuuuuuuuuuu... amazing post.

I'm not saying I knew you would notice, but...

Waoww amazing

Wow crimmi!!!! Amazing story the way you told it it came alive for me I was right behind you experiencing everything very cool and the pictures are way beyond magnificent! To infinity and beyond!! See you on the show tonight❤️❤️

very hard to mess up something so inspiring, though. I like to say that with a lot of these places I could just click the camera randomly and what comes out will still likely be gold. I have a real passion for it, though.

Glad to have you pop in! it's always such a fun time when cool people come to hang out~

Great content. Wonderful photos from this beautiful isle and its great rough coastline

puffin! I saw very many of you while I was there~ I actually have a whole puffin post planned, as I was so fascinated; this was the first time I'd ever seen one. We don't get birds like that where I live in Canada- only on the opposite coast. Do you live somewhere they hang out?

@crimsonclad this post was presented at the most recent Pimp Your Post Thursday on the Steemit Ramble Discord. I have written a post to share your featured post. Just stopping back to let you know that you can see your name in lights right here. (Just kidding about the lights :)

You are very sweet for including it. It is so very appreciated~

Wow... this is beautiful! It is almost unbelievable that such a place exists... Take a look, @aniellopas, @valued-customer, @wachera. Nice that it does, because it fits perfectly the spot where Rey finds Skywalker in Episode 7, The Force Awakens (that's where I know it from and where I left the story, I haven't watched Episode 8, The Last Jedi yet so please no spoilers! xD) I'll follow you @crimsonclad, you seem like a worthy follow. ;) And good luck on that Witness Election!!

LOL TY for the headsup!

FYI, @crimsonclad does a radio show, too, which I keep missing =(

Head over to MSP's discord to learn more about it.

You'll be glad you did.

sure thing! but wait, can you send me an invite? i dont think i am in that server :(

We're the PAL Network, home of the Minnow Support Project~ You can find me there most any time should you need me:


Perfect! Thanks a lot, I will surely look for you to bother you and get some facts straight. xP

Put a note in your phone! We miss you. We had a HILARIOUS time this last show playing holiday metal. It was Crimmi's Krampus Christmas, and it got so out of hand, LOL~

I am sad, as I KNEW this would be an epic show.

I shall flagellate myself mercilessly, as I'm sure the monks on Skellig Michael did regularly, in penance for my failure. Or, do you think I should leave that up to you?

Not so sure that would be an actual deterrent, tho... ;)

My only excuse is that competent editing so excited me, as I haven't been availed of it before, that I just lost track of time.

An alarm will beis set.

Big Hardcore Hug =p

haha, it's no big deal, truly. I realize that as a music show, I do not bring as much value as many of the talk based shows. When you have time on Thursdays, I'm always around! Plus, anything that helps develop your posting or you network is very valuable and should be pursued. Have you heard of PYPT on the Steemit ramble server?

My whippings usually only come in moderation form, so we'll have to see if I decide to also make them a bit more encouraging as well~

I have heard of pimp your post, but am rather focused on organic interaction, on Steemit.

I'd much rather be at your show!


Thanks so much! I do wish I knew exactly where to roll around to vicariously touch where Mark Hamill walked.... :D I really appreciate you coming and commenting.

So far, so good! We're currently in witness position 27. If you ever have questions about voting or witnessing in general, you're welcome to find me or my partner on Steemit chat or Discord if you want to know more about us or just pick our brains :)

LOL brain-picking sounds fun, I will consider it. xD

Well nice then, can you send me that invite into the Discord server? Also, I am kind of new to Steemit.chat, I prefer Discord, I hope that is okay with you. I will be bothering you with questions shortly. :D

Haha, it would indeed be nice to walk where he walked, to sit where he sat --and to walk into that cave from where he says "the Jedi must end". D=

I actually have pictures of the beehive cells... they will be part three of the post series, I think~ I posted the discord link just above :)

I saw it, thanks a lot! Oh my I am already looking forward to that 3rd part.

Aaaaaand... Thaaaaaat... Buildingggggg... yeah, I need to go watch the movie like, right now~

grabs coat and goes to closest cinema notwithstanding it is 1:30 AM

Wow! What an amazing post...these pictures are phenomenal! Absolutely breathtaking. I'm pretty jealous that you actually got to set foot on that island and explored it all!! Thank you for sharing such a great experience with us. :)

thank you for saying so <3 it was an impromptu thing that I feel pretty grateful I was allowed to do. Normally trips book up to a year in advance :|

Hope you bounce or die on impact. Not very good option. Great images with cool looking sky.

better than "lay here moaning for a day or more praying for death or to pass out," I suppose. :|
thanks so much for stopping in~