Must try in Japan: Osaka Fish Market & Endo Sushi (Eng/Chi)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

1 st - Osaka Fish Market

you must start the day early with the Osaka Fish Wholesale market. If you are familiar with the Tsukuji Market in Tokyo, you can think of it as the Osaka version of the same market. The Tuna auction starts at 4:15 am, so be sure to wake up early and be there! It is really an unforgettable experience to see those HUGE tunas being auctioned. It is very a peculiar atmosphere, with the auctioneer talking at full speed (in Japanese of course) and the buyers responding.

Once the auction is finished, you can walk around the market to see the fishes being delivered to the 180 shops of the market. Then the workers will surgically dissect those fishes. You can expect their expert skills to leave you at awe!

But to be honest, our main reason to come to this market was … SUSHI! We took our breakfast at Endo Sushi, and it was amazing. It is without any doubt in our list of top foods we have eaten during our whole tour. The specificity of the Sushis at Endo is that they use a slightly warm rice, and at the end we were left wondering why don’t all sushis do the same?!

Recommend Endo Sushi !

大阪市中央批发市场 - ゑんどう壽司

地址:大阪市福島區野田1-1-86 (由地鐵千日前線玉川站步行約10分鐘)

早上第一个景点就去大阪中央批发市场,鱼批发店很早就开始营业,我们9点到市场, 但很多批发店好像都关门了。如果你喜欢东京的筑地市场,也可以来到大阪市中央批发市场参观一下。 金枪鱼拍卖从凌晨4点15分开始, 所以一定要早点醒来去看看,朋友都说看到那些巨大的金枪鱼被拍卖是一个难忘的经历。


大阪中央市場ゑんどう壽司(Endo Sushi)

我们来到这个中央批发市场的主要原因,也是因为这里有一个非常出名的隐世寿司店, 就在市场的旁边(走一分钟左右吧) 。我们在ゑんどう寿司(Endo Sushi) 吃了早餐,口味很惊人,它的特殊之处在于所有寿司都使用温和的米饭,回想整个旅程,毫无疑问地这是我们吃过的最顶级食物。

它只有4个套餐, 一定要点肥美的拖罹! 真的很好吃,感觉入口速溶,也很新鲜。

