How to Make Friends While Travelling Alone 📖

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

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Hello Busy!
I am amazed at the resources available to the steemit platform! Its like 5 social media in one.

I am not much of a writer so go easy on me! however I do have useful ideas to share with you guys about travel.

If you have found it hard to make new friends while travelling alone then this article is for you! or if you haven't travelled much and are a bit unsure if you will be able to meet new people. Keep reading for tips you can use to form great friendships with other travellers and locals.

There are pros and cons to solo and group travel. I will cover this topic in another article or dtube video. But for now lets find out the ways you can put yourself more out there and increase your chances of meeting awesome new people.

This is the most obvious and probable way you will meet fellow travellers. Dorms are a lot cheaper than hotels in most countries so you will most likey be staying in one by default if travelling for longer than a vacation. Always opt for a dorm over a private room. People are super friendly and always willing to help out a fellow traveller.

You are going to want to sight see while travelling, so why not join a group day tour rather than do a solo mission. You wont have to worry about all the details of how to get around. Everyone is stuck on the bus or boat or train most of the day so you're bound to strike up a conversation with someone next to you. You will bond with those people over with shared experience.

Airbnb is a app where you can book accomodation all over the globe. People rent out their spare rooms for rates similar to hostels. Airbnb is a great way for you to meet locals. They will tell you all the insider info for the city you're in.

Similar to airbnb, couchsurfing is where people offer you a place to sleep for the night. The best part is that it is FREE! The catch is that place to sleep might be a king size private room or a bean bag in a college dorm lounge. It really does vary. I feel like couchsurfing is a little more intimate than airbnb, airbnb is more like a business transation as you are paying to be there (you will still have great convo's and experience) where as couchsurfing you are staying for free so payment in form of your time may be required (depending on the host of course) they might want to do activities with you and have lengthy conversations. All depends what youre looking for in a stay really.

Volunteering is an awesome way to help out local communites and give back. Most of all it is a great way to meet fellow travellers with the same passions as you. You already have something in common so you're bound to make loads of friends. You will left having recieved so much more than you gave.

There are heaps of apps these days connecting solo travellers. You can choose who to meet up and go from there. You can also hire a local to take you around their city and show you the best spots.

No matter where you are in the world there will always be an event of some sort happening. Stay connected to the local events and go participate. No one is going to know if you're their with a group of friends or solo, so you may as well enjoy the moment. Connect with those around you.

In most major cities you can take a cooking class. Its a meal, cultural experience and networking event all in one. Not to mention you will have so much fun learning new recipies!

Put down the phone! challenge yourself to a day where all you can do to get around is by asking people questions about whats good in the area or how do I get to...blah blah blah. Just by putting down your phone you open yourself upto new interactions which might lead to new friendships.

People are much more open to conversations once they have had a couple of drinks. By doing a pub crawl you will learn about the group of people you are with and will have a great night. Just remember to get everyone's contact before you're all too drunk to remember.

Thats it guys! If you utilize these tips you will definitely open yourself up for relationships to grow.

Is there a way you meet new people while travelling that I haven't mentioned?
Let me know in the comments below :)

Thanks as always.

Cheers -Beth


Excellent tips here. One of my favorite is volunteering. Giving back to a community is rewarding in many other ways than just one. Fantastic post :)

thanks Graylan! wow this post blew up over night. Thanks for the support. Volunteering has been one of the most rewarding and friendship building experiences I have had so far.

Thats really good tips for travelling :)

Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))