20 ways to know a place on a dime [Part Two]
For the adventurous souls out there who want to explore an area in unconventional ways, this article is for you:

Bob, Glenwood Springs, Colorado Native

Washington, DC

New Orleans, Louisiana

Paris, France

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Orcas Island, Washington State

Chapel of the Holy Cross, Sedona, Arizona

Traditional Danish Meal, Veijle, Denmark

Fulton Theatre, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Frostbites Radio, WVAU, Washington, DC

Austin, Texas

Orcas Island, Washington State

Malcolm X/Meridian Hill Park, Washington, DC

Orcas Island, Washington State
Like what you see? View Part One
Have some exploring tips you want to share? Comment below!
A really cool post with some very beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing and namaste :)