PAWAI DAN PAMERAN BUDAYA MASYARAKAT ACEH || Aceh Community Culture Parade and Exhibition[bilingual]

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Assalammualaikum... Para sahabat steemit yang berbahagia ...
Kali ini saya datang dengan ragam baju adat aceh dan dengan berbagai jenis kesenian dan musik tradisional khas masyarakat aceh, karena dalam postingan saya kali ini akan berbicara tentang pawai kebudayaan masyarakat aceh yang kami sebut dengan nama Peukan Kebudayaan Aceh ( PKA ).

Assalammualaikum ... steemit's best friends are happy ...
This time I came in a variety of Acehnese traditional clothes and with various types of traditional Acehnese arts and music, because in my post this time I will talk about the aceh community cultural parade which we call the name ** Peukan Aceh Culture ** (PKA).

Pawai kebudayaan ini diikuti oleh seluruh Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Aceh. Yang terdiri dari seluruh jajaran dinas pemerintah tingkat II.

This cultural parade was attended by all Aceh Province Districts. Which consists of all levels of government level II services.


Namun dalam pawai yang meriah ini saya ikut berpartisipasi dalam kabupaten Aceh Besar sebagai pemain musik pengiring sambil berjalan kaki menuju Pusat Kota Banda Aceh dan kembali lagi ke lapangan Blang Padang karena sebelum nya kami berkumpul dan mulai berjalan dari lapangan tersebut.

But in this festive parade I participated in Aceh Besar district as a accompaniment music player while walking to Banda Aceh City Center and back to the field ** Blang Padang ** because before we gathered and started walking from the field.


Ini adalah teman Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Aceh Besar yang ikut dalam perjalanan pawai kebudayaan ini. Mereka merupakan peserta pawai dan sekaligus Panitia pelaksana dari Kabupaten Aceh Besar.

This is a friend of the Aceh Besar District Education Office who participated in this cultural parade trip. They are parade participants and at the same time the organizing committee from Aceh Besar District.


Musik pengiring yang saya mainkan adalah musik tiup yaitu Seurunee Kalee yang merupakan alat musik tradisional Aceh dan ikut diiringi juga oleh teman lainnya yang menabuhkan Rapa'i yang merupakan alat musik tradisional Aceh Juga.

The accompaniment music that I play is wind music that is ** Seurunee Kalee ** which is a traditional Acehnese musical instrument and is accompanied by other friends who put ** Rapa'i ** which is also a traditional Acehnese musical instrument.


Dalam foto yang terlihat dari belakang ini adalah saya sendiri yang sedang meniup alat musik tersebut.

In this photo seen from behind, I myself was blowing the instrument.


Pawai ini sangatlah melelahkan karena selain lelah berjalan dengan rute perjalanan yang jauh, juga dengan suasana dan kondisi cuaca yang sangat panas membuat seluruh peserta pawai kehausan dan terpaksa harus minum air sambil berjalan.

This parade was very tiring because in addition to being tired of walking the long way, also with the atmosphere and very hot weather conditions all the parade participants were thirsty and had to drink water while walking.


Namun kelelahan ini tidak satupun dari peserta pawai untuk surut dan alhamdulillah semuanya dalam keadaan sehat-sehat saja. Intinya semua peserta dalam keadaan semangat dalam mengikuti pawai ini, karena acara pawai ini hanya dilaksanakan 5 tahun sekali dan ini merupakan PKA ke tujuh. Dan telah berlangsung selama beberapa hari dan akan berakhir nantinya pada tanggal 15 agustus.
Adapun pusat kegiatan ini adalah di taman Ratu Safiatuddin Lampineung Banda Aceh, disini ada banyak pameran budaya yang dipamerkan dan juga stand pameran dari daerah masing-masing Kabupaten/Kota yang ada dalam Provinsi Aceh.

However, none of the parade participants fatigued this tiredness and thank God that everything was in good health. The point is that all participants were in a state of enthusiasm in participating in the parade, because the parade was only held once every 5 years and this was the seventh PKA. And it has lasted for several days and will end later on August 15.
The center of this activity is in the Ratu Safiatuddin Lampineung park in Banda Aceh, here there are many cultural exhibits on display and also exhibition stands from the regions of each Regency / City in Aceh Province.


Singkat kata bagi anda yang senang untuk menikmati pameran budaya, datanglah ke Banda Aceh Dan kunjungilah stand pameran yang dipamerkan disini.

In short, for those of you who like to enjoy cultural exhibitions, come to Banda Aceh and visit the exhibition stand on display here.
Sekian dan terima kasih semoga sajian ini bermanfaat bagi anda yang senang dengan perjalanan budaya. Hormat saya @badriadi83

So and thank you, hopefully this dish is useful for those of you who are happy with the cultural journey. Yours sincerely @badriadi83


Congratulations! I love your post so much that I have featured it in my entry to this week's Pay it Forward curation contest hosted by @pifc.
As such, I have followed you, upvoted and resteemed this post!
Keep up the great work!

Thank you soo much ..

Acara yang menarik. Kebudayaan adalah ibu kehidupan.

Terimakasih telah berbagi

Salam @mpugondrong

Sama sama... @mpugondrong, datanglah ke Aceh untuk menikmati acara ini.

In sya Allah.

Semoga tahun depan dibeei kelapangan utk bisa hadir dan berpartisipsii di sana @badriadi83

Ya saya doakan semoga terkabulkan insyaallah... Dan aminKi<

¡Hola badriadi83! Llegue a tu publicacion por @viking-ventures, la ha incluido en su entrada al concurso de curaduría Pay it Forward de esta semana organizado por @pifc . Si deseas saber más del concurso click Aquí

congratulation, Your post has been selected by @badriadi83 as a featured post in Pay It Forward

Do take part in this contest

You have very good photos! It took time for them to load on my mobile phone. 😀

I really like the different colors of your costumes when blended in a parade like that. And I love the headdress of the first woman in gold and green on the second photo. It looks majestic! 😂

it has lasted for several days and will end later on August 15.

You really mean the parade lasts for several days? Wow! How are the participants keeping up with it? Are you walking all day for several days? Or do you mean the whole festival lasts for several days?

When you say cultural parade, what specific culture is the parade all about? Does it have something to do with thanksgiving, foundation day of a province, or...? I just found the parade amusing so I am asking many questions. 😊

By the way, I found your post through @viking-ventures who featured it here: Pay it forward curation contest.

Thanks for all my friends

You're welcome.

What a beautiful and colorful parade! Love the photos; thank you for sharing this here @badriadi83 :)

I found your post because @viking-ventures featured you in her Pay it Forward contest entry! You are more than welcome to join us next week too with an entry of your own :)

Very nice photos! Thanks for sharing!

PS: I've found your post after reading this entry by @viking-ventures on the Pay It Forward Contest

Hi @badriadi83 as you know @viking-ventures featured you in @pifc wk 19 contest.

Very lovely pictures and nice explanation on the parade and it's purpose. I very much enjoyed it.