Crazy border control at airports!

in #travel8 years ago

We were flying to Auckland, New Zealand, via Sydney airport. Looking back now we can laugh, but at the time we were worried and somewhat confused. 

Preparing and packing:

We knew flying to New Zealand wouldn’t be easy. I was very nervous about getting caught at customs for some silly stupid reason. 

To start with, it would be an overall 15 hour flight. And we were loaded with Christmas gifts. Would these gifts be a problem going through customs? And was there anything else we had perhaps we had overlooked? So we read all the flight rules. 

Besides what we had, we borrow an old flight suitcase with two wheels, from a friend. I must say we searched through each and every bit of our luggage before packing, to see if there was anything that shouldn’t be there. 

Our children in New Zealand had said to buy a small bar of chocolate each, and declare it as food when necessary. Surely, everything would be okay. 

Now we were off:

Everything went well as we left Johannesburg and the flight was a breeze. 

Before entering Sydney airport, we filled in the requested forms. Everything went well, until we got to customs. 

I went through easily.  I had my camera and computer with me, because I was hoping to keep up with my blogging, since we would be in New Zealand for near on 2.5 months. That was no problem for me. 

Then what?

But turning around I couldn’t find my husband. That’s strange…. 

Oh, there he was, going through the detector arch. Hey, but why were they making him go through it several times. Now I was getting worried. Then it came to me. He had a metal pin in his shoulder socket. Surely he would tell them it was from a lift shaft accident he had many years ago. 

No. Something was really wrong. They were bringing him over to a side counter and called me to join him. What now? 

The customs offer was looking through his carry bag! Gosh, this is ridiculous, thought I. 

The guy was looking in this pocket and then that pocket. Let me explain… my husband’s carry bag is somewhat like a computer bag, with many pockets, big and small. 

After a while the customs officer was getting frustrated. Unknown to us, he had seen something on the Xray detector, but couldn’t find what he was looking for now. And of cause my husband and I were getting more and more worried. What could be the matter? 

Haaah! At last the customs offer pulled out a tiny metal pocket knife. Can you believe it?! He said it was in a tight little corner in one of the smaller pockets. What was it doing there? 

It turns out, my husband generally used it when travelling on the Johannesburg inter buses. You know, been a South African man, they love eating their biltong! And he had missed finding it before packing. 

My husband has a throat and hearing impediment, so I said to the customs, “Throw it away”. But that wasn’t good enough. No, he had to record it, before he would allow us to catch our next flight. So now we go down in history as bad guys, with a serious offence. Shame on us! 

Ok, now we get on the flight to Auckland, New Zealand. 

We had a lovely flight and enjoyed a lovely meal on the plane. 

Watching the lights over the northern part of New Zealand, it looked like a fairy land. So beautiful! “Like they were putting out Christmas lights to welcome us,” said I to my husband. 

But unknown to us there was a mauri guy and his mother sitting just in front of us. They chuckled. And startled us… the chap says “Yip, it’s just for you!” We laughed, thinking this was a good omen. 

Aaah… But we didn’t know what was in store for us at customs.

Oh yes, everything went well and were just really to go through the big sliding to meet our family… when all of a sudden, here comes a policewoman with her small light beige Labrador dog. They seemed to have come from nowhere! 

She asks me, have we got anything to declare. “Yes” says I, “some chocolates.” 

But she doesn’t seem to register what I’ve said. She is more concerned with the fact her dog has turned quickly from me and is now declaring there is something wrong with my husband. 

Oh, not again, thinks I. This is too much.

And… can you believe it? The dog puts his nose straight on a spot on my husband’s pants, without hesitation…. went right there, first shot. 

It was a spot of gravy from the meal we had had on the plane! 

We all laughed when my husband said what it was from. But for a moment it was scary, because we had really though we had escaped customs after all! 

Without another word we were dismissed and with a great sigh, passed through the sliding doors. 

But that’s not all, 

Leaving the airport and travelling through Auckland in our children’s car, police cars started passing us, one after the other, with their sirens on. 

Our son told us long afterwards, that he had been very embarrassed. Because all along, he had been telling us New Zealand is crime free, and here were the police chasing around Auckland, like they were chasing drug loads. 

I must end by saying,

That only happens in the big cities. The country towns are crime free and the country is very beautiful. The streets are clean and well kept. And… the people very friendly and helpful. It’s a great place to live.    No wonder they guard it so well !! 

Have you ever had a funny experience at an airport? 


Sir, please vote for us. We are very grateful to this. You continue to have success .And keep voting. @ahlawat
nice post......

Crazy and scary...thanks for sharing. I have had a number of creepy experiences at airports. One of them involved them suspecting I was a terrorist. Have a wonderful day! Following you!

Wonder what gave them that impression. The dark glasses perhaps! Just joking. Have a lovely day.

No I think it was because 8 years earlier I had lived in Hamburg for a year and there the university I went to there had one of the guys who flew into the Twin Towers.

Gosh. First off, you must have felt confused about why they were making such a fuss.

Actually they didn't but I think they were about too. And then their shift ended. It felt like in those movies, you know when the guy just escapes. Like have you seen the movie Stander - especially the airport scene?

James Bond movies are different - he gets caught, and then just before they throw him in a pool full of starving sharks he pulls of a crazy houdini move. Along with the girl of course who helps him.

Just curious, I can still upvote your comment right, even if your original post is more than 7 days old?

Funny experience. After the terrorist attacks on 9/11 customs at every major international airport has really increased. I do understand the reason, but what I on't understand is why officers aren't trained better to communicate with people in a more efficient way. Usually I have a customs agent with a frown and bad attitude, which causes me to have a from and bad attitude in response haha.

It's definitely not an easy job dealing with people coming and going all day but a smile goes a long way. Great post, followed.

adventure happened at airport

Yes sounds entertaining. I had some fun experience on JFK when I was searched for drugs all over (I never took drugs in my life it was just my random luck) and at the end the police dog fall in love with me and would not let me go :))

I waited to go through the customs in Brisbane for 3h just few days back. People were falling unconscious around.
The only time I was waiting longer than that was entering Cuba 3 years back.

Why were they falling unconscious? Was it because they had to wait so long, they fall fast asleep waiting for they next flight?

They were to tired. Waithing for such a long time. That was waiting for customes at the airport. Entering Australia.

Upvoted and RESTEEMED :)

Great post, thanks for sharing

New Zealand is notorious for not letting people into their country and I agree with it to be honest with all the things happening in the world that are caused by poorer people going into more civilized countries. Great post btw

very good.
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