Ancient Tallinn | Travel

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Tallinn is one of the oldest cities in Northern Europe. It is quite tiny, but extremely rich in its architectural, historical monuments, parks, gardens, original traditions, giving it a unique look. Most of the attractions of Tallinn is located in the Old town, has long been divided into Lower and Upper.

As a rule, tours of Tallinn begin at the cozy town hall square. It is located in the Lower town, occupies a very small area and is surrounded by ancient buildings, each of which keeps its history. Since the middle Ages, the town hall square has been the heart of the city. Already in the XI century there was a market, which existed until 1896. On the town hall square, carnivals and festivities were held, and the most favorite among the citizens was the holiday of the Christmas tree, followed by a merry dance. Here and today are Christmas markets, and in one of the restaurants, located on the perimeter of the square, you can plunge into the atmosphere of the XV century and enjoy delicious national dishes.

The square is decorated with the town hall-one of the most remarkable architectural monuments of Tallinn, which is a magnificent example of Gothic monumental architecture. The interiors of the town hall are decorated with almost austerity, and the hall gives the uniqueness of the picturesque lunettes and artfully made openwork carving on wooden panels and benches.

On Rataskaevu, one of the ancient streets of the Lower town, is the building of the former Church of Niguliste( St. Nicholas). The first mention of it dates back to 1316 To the present day preserved some of the ancient shrines: a hand-carved wooden altar created in 1482 lübeck artist Germana Kind, tombstones, coats of arms, epitaphs, semisweet chandelier. The most significant of the preserved values is the surviving fragment of the famous painting "the Dance of death" by the artist Bernt Notke (XV century). Today, the Church building is a Museum, which also serves as a concert hall, where the evening of old music.

Walking along one of the most interesting and busy streets of the city, Sahakyan (Bakery aisle), you will see a magnificent monument of medieval architecture – the Church of the Holy spirit. The temple, built in the Gothic style, is covered with a tiled roof with stepped Gables. Its main value is a multi-leaf wooden altar with exquisite carvings and paintings by Bernt Notke.

Many beautiful old buildings are concentrated on the street PICC (Long). Since ancient times here lived the rich – aristocrats, and major merchants. Merchants built solid stone houses with huge basements and attics, which were used as warehouses. On this street was located and the building where was held the meeting of the most respectable merchants of the city. The most famous of them – the building Of the great Guild, as well as the premises of the Guild of St. kanut, Brotherhood of blackheads, the Guild of St. Olya.

There is another remarkable monument of medieval architecture – the Church of Oleviste-on Pikk street. In the city Chronicles it is mentioned already in 1267, but its present appearance the temple received in the XIX century.

If you decide to look at Tallinn from a bird's-eye view, go to the Toompea hill, where the Upper town is located. There you can climb the stairs Petculescu stairs, you walk down the street to Toompea, or the Pikk jalg (Long leg). The last road until the XVII century was the only one connecting both parts of Tallinn.

By car to the Upper town you will get on one of the longest city roads – Paldiski maantee, starting in the center of Tallinn. Before reaching the historic center, take a turn to the quiet and cozy street of Echo. Here is a charming miniature Aparthotel Revelton Suites. This affordable hotel has been recently opened, and everything here shines with novelty, from furniture to washing machine, microwave and kettle. The rooms are clean, bright and spacious. The hotel staff is friendly and friendly, and the fact that every morning you will be treated to the freshest croissants, will only emphasize the homely atmosphere prevailing in these family apartments. By the way, there is a separate playroom for kids. Another advantage of these apartments over other family hotels in Tallinn is the availability of free Parking. The main attractions of the Upper town can be reached in a quarter of an hour on foot.

The appearance of the Upper town has not changed since the middle Ages. Leisurely strolling through its narrow winding streets, you will see many buildings of the XIV-XV centuries. In this part of Tallinn is the famous Toompea castle, built at the behest of king Waldemar II of Denmark. In those days, the part of the Upper town, which is occupied by the castle, was called a Small fortress. A large fortress called the construction of the Northern part of the hill - there were houses of feudal lords and Tallinn Bishop. There are several towers built in Toompea castle. The tallest and most powerful of them, the Long Herman, stood guard over Tallinn for more than five centuries.

Another famous attraction of the Upper town is the dome Church. This stone building, covered with a gray patina of centuries, is crowned by a powerful tower with a spire. The Cathedral impresses with its grandeur, causing admiration for the rigor and harmony of the lines. The age of the Church very Reverend: the dome Church for the first time mentioned in 1233 Since then, she has experienced many events that changed its appearance. Inside the temple there is an atmosphere of bygone eras. The aura of deep antiquity is created by numerous epitaphs and emblems on the walls, tombstones on the stone floor, which has been plucked and erased by generations of parishioners. For centuries, the Church served as a tomb for prominent representatives of the nobility and merchants. Admiral Samuel Greig, the hero of the battle of Chesme in 1770, was also buried here, and in 1846 Admiral Ivan Kruzenshtern, the first Russian seaman to travel around the world, was buried in the Church.

Traveling through the narrow streets and looking into the stone courtyards of houses, tightly pressed to each other, you will certainly come to one of the viewing platforms. You will have a wonderful view of the old city, starting from the ledge of a hill and extending with its tile roofed houses, the churches, austere spires, mighty towers to Golubaya away the Tallinn Bay.


I have always wanted to visit Estonia. Thank you for informative post on its capital :) .

You are welcome man !
I have been in Spain 2 times - very beautiful country!
I will post a lot of photos soon

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