The nomad is back on the road - My future adventures

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Everything can change in the glimpse of an eye.

Back in September 2017, I was in Costa Rica hitchiking, living on a 5 dollar budget per day, camping everywhere i was able to or sleeping on a stranger´s home and working wherever I could... long story short, I was putting myself on the line just to bring you some quality "adventure posts".

My plan was to head down to Colombia and then continue my way to Chile, but when I heard about Steem Fest 2 and that it was going to be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal, my whole life changed. I had to be there and I had to change my future plans.

I booked a plane ticket to Belgium and then I hitchhiked my way down to Portugal in less than 4 days.

After Steem Fest 2, my plan was to go to Eastern Europe and to adventure the hell out of it, but my life back in Mexico got in the way. I had to go back to deal with some paperwork I thought wouldn´t need my attention until 2019. I am not going to lie to you, it was worth it, coming back to my homecountry gave me the chance to regroup and to think about my future options.

Today is January 24th and I want to go to Eastern Europe - yeah, I still want to go there - but sadly I have to stay in Mexico until my paperwork is finished. The thing about paperwork in a third world country is that it takes 10 times longer to reach an agreement.

So, I can´t leave to Europe until this is settled. It may take some months but I don´t want to stay here, I want to keep moving, but I have to be close enough to buy a cheap ticket plane and come back in case I am needed.

I have to stay in my continent - America- so my first thought was going to Venezuela and I was very close to flying there, but my main contact there got compromised. After that I thought about traveling to Colombia, but the flight tickets are too expensive and coming back from Colombia to Mexico in such a short notice would drain all my savings, so I decided to go to a country I have already been to, but this time with my brother, and this time with a budget a little more loosen.

I am leaving to Guatemala in a few days and my plan is to stay there until my lawyer tells me "Hey Eric, it is time to come back, paperwork is waiting" - damn you lawyers.

The thing about being a nomad, is that you don´t belong anywhere and you belong everywhere. I can´t stand staying in one place for a long time hence, I have to leave. I searched for cheap flights anywhere and the best option was Guatemala - just South of Mexico - andeven though I´ve been there before, this time I am going with another purpose, a more professional purpose, a goal you will find out in a month or so when I finish the project. But I can guarantee you, it will leave you with a square face.

If you thought hitchhiking in central america, sleeping in a stranger´s house, eating crap all the time and risking my life was hardcore, I bet this time you will think of me as "a crazy person".

My blog is about adventures, and it has been a while since I have given you a proper adventure, it´s about time I risk my life once again.


Because I am @anomadsoul


Thanks for sharing your adventure. Which do u enjoy the moat between Belgium and Portugal

The whole journey, hitchhiking accross western Europe in countries you don´t speak the language is amazing. I made some videos about it, I think you´ll like them.

I'd be expecting the videos

I agree, every place offers something different and unique but they all all incredible, although I am a bit biased since my parents are from Portugal.

I went a few years ago for a Eastern Europe road trip. It was probably the best trip i have been on (although that had a lot to do with the people I went with and met during the trip). We were moving around a lot, but got to see some pretty amazing stuff. I am sure you will love it when you finally get a chance to get there.

brave to just do it I cant be you

Sounds like quite an adventure. But, remember, your life is more than the adventure. Been some pretty crazy places myself :)

I keep that in mind every second, but sometimes you need some adventures to feel that you are living your life to the fullest :D

No doubt :) When you step across that line of what people normally do, and what's way more interning, nothing can match that feeling or that memory.

Have fun Eric! Keep us updated and welcome to Europe again some day.

I hope our Russia Plans are still on! I am going, no matter what, to Russia in the Summer! I hope we can meet there :)

For sure. hope to see you there. Eric.

Haha "I bet you think I'm a crazy person" no man, you remind me of myself :) hahaha!! you said it best,

The thing about being a nomad, is that you don´t belong anywhere and you belong everywhere.

Safe and happy travels and if you make it into the US, come visit us!

I wanted to go to the states during these weeks but the visa is taking too much time (you know, Trumpity Trump and Mexibros issue - and Canada is waay to cold for me right now, so I decided to go South instead of North... but definitely, if I end up going to the states somewhere soon, I will hit you guys up :D Thanks for the offer fellow crazy person.

Ugh the orange Cheeto! Please do! :)

You really travel alot....Hv You tried coming to Africa, Nigeria especially?..Try Lagos.... Its like the Capital of Africa and am pretty sure you have heard good things about Lagos .. ...I hope to travel round the world when am financially capable.

I would love to go to Africa, but that is too risky for the way I travel... but it is on the plans, it is the last level of the video game, I would love to go! Let´s hope Steemit can give you the chance to become a traveler my friend!

Now am really curious.... How do you travel?.... By sea? know I could a thousand and one reasons why you should visit Africa next . I hope you don't believe the wrong stereotypes about Africans.

Even though our lifestyles couldn’t be farer away from each other, I totally love yours. I don’t enjoy travelling that much (only for Ultimate Frisbee tournaments across Europe). If you are ever going to visit Prague I can show you around:P.

What I found interesting is the fact that you have to plan in advance quite a lot. The budget, the actual “checkpoints” of the journey. Sounds almost “gamish”.

Ah man I read about that! I hope it went awesome, it was last week right?
For sure, I am dying to go to Eastern Europe and the Czech Republic and Ukraine are on my list, if I end up going i will for sure let you know!

Well for me it is kind of the other way around, I check the cheapes flight and book it, the moment i set foot in the country, I start the planning by asking around. I just booked the ticket a few hours ago and I´m leaving the day after tomorrow :D

Yea there was a tournament last week but in Czech. European tournaments are only during the main season which is from March to September.

That is awesome! You can also count with free sleeping in my flat for...well as long as you will need which, as I understood, is up to few days:D.

I see so it’s this spontaneous type of nomad. That makes the whole experience more like "survival mode" right?:D

You are traveling and traveling to and living in one place and working. Thank you so much for posting about your personal.

Wooow. Man I've got to follow you and your adventures! Hope that paperwork doesn't give you too much trouble so you can freely start your new trip. I'm looking forward to read more of you!

Greetings from Venezuela!

I'm glad knowing that you included the nomads in your adventure..

Love it! Can't wait to hear what you'll be up to in Guatemala :D

I promise to bring some more adventures! It is not the ideal destination for me because I have already been there, but I will give the posts a twist that I expect you will all love :)