A Trip Back in Time to Paris, France

in #travel7 years ago

I was 13 years old (not so much into traveling back then so I didn’t cherish the experience as much as I should of), and all the photos taken were from my aunt.

This was the biggest/first international travel of my life (certainly won’t be the last :)). Seeing how this trip was roughly 10 years ago, I don’t remember the little, detailed oriented things but I do remember the things that stood out to me the most!

Obviously, the Eiffel Tower was probably the coolest thing I had experienced in my youth. On the ground floor, there were people outside doing street performances, break dancing, singing, playing instruments, etc… After I got my feel with the ground game, it was time to adventure up to the tip top of the tower. 1,710-step climb to the very top. I was young, in shape, and I was still out of breath by the time we reached the top. I felt bad for my aunt who was a little overweight, and her blood sugar has been a problem as well. Nonetheless, she made it to the top.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any photos we took at the top 😦 . I guess you are going to have to go see it for yourself :).

Oh Paris, the only thing I didn’t like about you is the fact that everything was so crowded. But it was a double-edged sword when it came to the overcrowding. I love the rush, seeing the different people, but at the same time, I don’t like rubbing shoulders with people constantly.

Also, I have completely forgotten what the names of the place we visited but ah, the culture and the architecture are miraculous (Also, notice how crowded it is in the first few pictures).
I must say the hotels in Paris are extremely small so if you’re going to visit, try to plan it out to where you can get a, what they consider, a big room. It would probably be equivalent to a normal size hotel in the states. Our view from the hotel was superb. Some might say “You can’t see much” but to me, soaking in the culture was everything. Right out our window you could see down the street where at night it was lively12250115_1095084090502738_5217711275202721503_n.jpg