8 months in the US was all I could take, so I bought a one way ticket back to Colombia

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

In October 2013 I booked a ticket to Chile that ended sadly 28 months later in Ipiales, Colombia which is the border between Colombia and Ecuador. When I began this journey I never imagined it would have ended the way it did with stomach issues and finding myself in the exact place I so desired to never return to, that being the United States of America and in my case South Florida to be exact.

The feeling of being back in the US is what I compare to a soldier going back to Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria for another tour of duty. The longer I stayed away from the heart of the matrix, the sicker and more distorted I find myself to do low vibrational deadness I see and feel that surrounds me in this world of materialism, propaganda and constant Police surveillance.

This journey began similar to my last 2 attempted escapes from this insane asylum, with little preparation before hitting the road with only 1 week between making the decision to leave again and arriving at my desired destination. My last escape also came after only being back 8 months in South Florida and after a bizarre car accident driving Uber in order to save money to hopefully disappear from this twisted society/culture once and for all.

If interested to learn more about that incident feel free to read the story on the link below

Similar to the first time I returned to the US back in February 2016, I also returned to do stomach issues after 8 months of travelling thru Spain, Portugal, Morocco, detained in Australia, Malaysia then back to Thailand and ultimately my poor diet, the consumption of foods cooked in harsh vegetable oils, the constant drinking of coffee and smoking cigarettes finally caught up to me. Once again I was broke and decided to return to the last place on Earth I wish to return to in order to heal myself once again.

And as usual coming back to the US and to my family was filled with an array of complications that I would not wish on anyone. Upon my return my younger David was now living in the house with his mentally insane wife (I am not kidding when I say she is insane) and her 2 step kids. The last time I saw my brother and his strange dysfunctional family was the previous April of 2016 after spending a week in their in a God forsaken part of California known as Victorville. I arrived at his house with my damaged shoulder, my arm in a sling after a Futbol injury 4 days before my trip which should have caused me to abandon this trip to Cali altogether. Foolishly I continued with the plan to volunteer at a spiritual retreat in the Mountains of San Diego. This Workaway turned out to be disaster and ended up with the Police arriving at the retreat 2 times in the same due to some domestic violence issue between the owner and her ex boyfriend whom she allowed to live in the house even though she had a restraining order on him. After the police arrived at midnight for the second time and questioned me as to what was going on, I decided it was time to leave dodge.

So I decided it was time to move on and called my brother David to see if I could spend a few days with him since I had not seen in some time. He came to pick me up several hours later along with his newly created family after leaving South Florida approximately 3 years earlier to move to Illinois where he eventually meet this strange person whom he ended up marrying and later moved to California with her and her 2 children.

After several hours they arrived at the retreat and the moment his wife Judy stepped out of the car I said to myself "Holy Shit Batman" WTF is that. I know this sounds fucked up but the honest truth is that she looked like hell and old enough to be his mother. OK so they are about the same age but everyone in my family has a young appearance and she has some health issues plus is insane in the membrane. Off the bat things seemed strange, the drive back to his house was bizarre as he allowed her to drive the entire trip and she almost got us killed. Once arriving things got even stranger as I meet her 2 kids, Benny a 9 year old boy and Mallory a 15 year old teenager who were a version of my youngest brother Gabriel and my niece Olivia who grew up together in my parents house and are 1 year apart in age since my mother gave birth at the age of 43 while my sister Maria gave birth to Olivia at the age of 17 year old.

During the week I spent with them I ended up taking care of his daughter who had strep throat as well as doing the dishes and cooking. The only real upside to all this was smoking some good Cali bud but the downside was definitely more then I had imagined. Things got weirder as he wife Judy smoked and her conversation got more and more dillusional. But if witnessing her was not enough, I also witnessed them smoke with there 2 children. Ok for a 15 year to smoke was not so bad but when I witness there 9 year old Benny taking hits from the bong that was a gift they bought from him I obviously knew things had gotten a bit out of hand. I ended up leaving the house a few days later after I told his wife I would be leaving in a few days and I asked her to please not bother me or communicate from that point on.

What occured after this was a strange situation. I left the house in the morning to take a walk to the park to relax and clear my mind. Upon my return, my brother David and Judy where sitting in there car outside the house. As I passed them and entered the house to use the upstairs bathroom Judy followed me up the stairs. While in the bathroom she was speaking to me, her usual babble that made no sense. She said that she wanted to speak to me and she believed in communication. Obviously she doesn't have a clue what real communication is or how to respect people's boundaries. She continued talking to at least 10 minutes straight while I stayed in the bathroom listening to music and hoping she would eventually leave. Finally I could not take anymore and send her a message via facebook to please leave me alone. Finally I was tired of being in the bathroom and tired of her babbling so finally I exploded and said "Leave me the Fuck Alone".

Then my brother jumps in and says "You can't speak to my wife like that". Oh but his wife can harass me and keep me like some hostage in the bathroom. I asked if my brother could at least drive me to LA or to the bus station but she said no, since somehow manages to keep his balls in her purse. Then she gave me an ultimatum to leave the house and she was going to call the police on me and activate the security system. Obviously I was not interested in dealing with Police and was tired of being in the house of horrors so I made my exit. Since I didn't have phone service and they left the house, I had to use my skype account to call for a taxi. Eventually the taxi came and took me to the greyhound station. I got to the station for several hours to eventually find out the bus would not be passing thru that day, typical greyhound.

In the middle of this very shady area in the middle of nowhere i asked some people where I could find a motel. I was told which direction to walk and I began my journey to the motel which my damaged shoulder and backpack. I passed thru several liquors during my tour of this shithole known as Victorville. Then next thing I got to LA and flew back to South Florida.

Fast forward 14 months later, I had just returned to South Florida and low and behold guess who was staying at the house, David Judy and the steps kids. It seems that after this episode in Cali there lives took a complete nosedive. They ended up leaving there 5 bedroom house in Cali due to Forest fires which did not effect there home. There they moved to Las Vegas and were renting out there apartment to strangers via AirBnB. After this they went back to Illoinois and burned thru $20,000 dollars my parents loaned them, a $30,000 medical settlement and most of whatever other savings they had. Now they were in my parents house staying in what use to be my room. Also to add to the drama Judy was pregnant.

Being the kind, loving, forgiving person that I am, I decided not to hold a grudge. Immediately I picked up that crazy Judy was talking shit about my parents and even invented a story about my younger sister pushing her which I knew off the bat was complete bullshit. But this was typical behavior of a mentally insane person. Upon my second day back in the US I went to visit my uncle and some of there Argentine friends. Upon returning to the house my sister Andrea was in the middle of the street. Once I saw her I thought to myself, Oh shit here we go again. When we got out of the car she began to tell us that Judy had called the Police on her husband Dan.

My sister Andrea and Dan is another rather complicated strange situation. When I returned from David Judy's house Abril 2016, Andrea and Dan had gotten married in order to move into my parents house. Long before this I had warned my Parents not to allow Dan to live in the house since I had witnessed a lot of his semi Psychopathic behavior while living with him, Andrea and David in a house that David was renting and growing Marijuana. I had always been able to for tell the future and knew that this situation was also one that would end up in disaster which it did for David. Eventually David burned threw $80,000 taking care of Andrea and Dan which also let to the body piercing business that he had with my father to end.

Now Dan was living in the house upon my return to South Florida back in Abril. To make a long story short, Dan eventually turned on me due to me leaving my facebook open on my mothers computer. My mother then rapped my facebook account, read messages between me and Dan, printed the messages and showed it to my father. My father who is emotional then reacted, tried to attack and called the police. After this Dan declared war on me, began cursing me out on a daily basis and eventually started to stalk and try to intimidate me with a semi automatic weapon that he recently had purchased. On an almost daily basis he would always come out of his room when I was around and would take out the semi automatic and follow me around the house. I started to film a few of these instances which eventually feel into the hands of the FBI after the Parkland Shooting. Due to the contant abuse I eventually moved out of the house as any sane person would do. And while all this was going on my parents played stupid because Dan was giving them more money then me and pretending to be a great son in law.

After I left the house I eventually left the states again and ended up in Spain. Months after as I knew from the beginning the relationship between Dan and my parents deteriorated and eventually my Father got a restraining order against Dan to kick him out of the house. During this same period of time, somehow David's wife Judy also got a restraining order against Dan in California and she had never even met the kid. Only thru a phone conversation to this psycho chic end up getting a restraining order half way across the country.

So fast forward end of June 2017, Andrea is in the middle of the street and my brother David and Judy called the police on Dan only for picking up my sister. Even though my father had a restraining order on Dan he still allowed Dan to pick up my sister from the house but not enter the house. My parents had also told David Judy that they Dan had permission to pick up Andrea and they were not to interfere or call the Police. When I had found out what had happened I immediately told David and Judy that it was wrong what they did. They Judy began to talk shit to my mother telling her that none of her children love her, etc etc. This is all going on while they are living in my parents house and my parents loaned them $20k which they will never repay.

Because Judy knew I had videotapes of Dan with the Semi Automatic, she said that when the police come she will tell them that I have the videos. I immediately deleted the videos from my phone because I don't play evil with evil and she's a crazy bitch. Police came and we told them that nothing had happened. My parents also have security cameras around the house had proof that Dan had nothing wrong. Later that Day to make matters worse, Judy had called the police on my parents. Now they had gone way to far and I believe she did this in order to get more money out of my parents. So I decided to resolve the matter. First me and my sister Andrea went to courts and try to get a restraining order against her which we were denied. Then I took it to the next level, I called child protective services. Because I had witness them smoking weed with a 9 year old child, I use this situation to get them out of the house.

The next day the police came and a week later they were gone. From this situation I made peace with Dan, he shared some bud and magic mushrooms with me and we began a new friendship, that is until the videos of him with the Semi Automatic were found by the FBI. But sadly, Karma is a bitch and sometimes things come back to haunt and bite one in the ass.

I felt the need to share this story as this is my reality when I am back in the US, which among 100 other reasons is why I prefer to travel the world then live in a place filled with drama and Chaos. Imagine if this is what occurred during my first few days in the states, imagine what the next 8 months had in store. Its a miracle I even lasted 8 months.

I plan to share more of what brought me back to Colombia for the 14th time. Ayahuasca had been calling me and eventually that is what lead me back to what I believe is my true home. Until I send love to all those who took the time to read this story. Remember no matter how fucked up your current situation may seem, there is always a rainbow at the end of the tunnel if your trust your journey, God and the Universe.

