20 Millions!!! 20 Millones!!!
I was wandering around Paseo de la Reforma in Mexico City and I came across these beautiful pieces of arts.
Wixarika art, more than 20 million pieces of little beads, were used to create this beautiful effect.
Estaba caminando por el Paseo de la Reforma en la Ciudad de México y encontré estas hermosas piezas de arte.
Wixarika art, se usaron más de 20 millones de chaquiras para crear estos hermosos efectos.
A statue in honor of Mohamed Ali... Una estatua en honor a Mohamed Ali
A most excellent collage of artwork. Your photographs are now appreciated by more people. Thank you for writing an excellent post. Safe journey and I look forward to your next post.
thanks for your support...I´ll see you soon
that sure takes a lot of balls!
Big balls to do this with little balls... jajaja...This is the technique, can you imagine one by one...

Looks so adorable
Yes, I was hypnotized by the texture, the colors the design...
Me encanta!!! Tendré que ir al DF a ver todo este arte! Gracias por compartir Ale! Ya te sigo también!
Esta esposicion creo se quede hasta final del mes... Pero ya sabes DF tiene siempre sorpresas