Travel with me #82 : The Baha Mar resort - A worthy rival to Atlantis? (Video inside)

in #traval7 years ago

Dear Steemit friends:DQmTx8oo2nTXEn7m5DupSSL3T6nqf1jbLFzvQQCJXNEQK8v_1680x8400.jpg
Atlantis has long been the signature resort of the Bahamas, with it's fluid range of hotels that are able to accommodate guests at a wide range of budgets, all the while providing a consistent experience in it's shared amenities, it is no wonder that Atlantis has been a large draw to prospective visitors.

However, it is always healthy to have competition. Until recently, Atlantis was operating a near monopoly in terms of resorts and it was only the advent of Baha Mar that brought some competition to the area.

Today, we'll be having a look at Baha Mar, let's see whether this new development can poach some of the Atlantis customers over, or bring in a new wave of people to Bahamas and greatly help to revitalise the tourism industry in Bahamas.

Baha Mar positions itself as a luxury resort which is not as strongly themed as Atlantis. You won't be finding places like The Dig, Predator Lagoon, or any open air aquariums here. Instead, for frequent visitors to luxury hotels, the offering is actually pretty standard of what you would expect from a luxury resort.

In their own words..

Among discerning travellers, tastes differ but expectations don’t. Which is why Baha Mar offers a world-renowned collection of hotels uniquely designed to suit your personal style. More than a resort, its a choice of unparalleled experiences from the world’s leaders in hospitality.

The choices of hotels reflect what kind of experience you expect out of your stay. Indeed, if you wish to experience more than just a lovely room, then the SLS offers service and rooms that go above and beyond the standard luxury experience at the Grand Hyatt.

If you are looking for more of a Residential style experience, the Rosewood at Baha Mar would be more suitable.

For me, I opted for the Grand Hyatt. Having stayed in other hotels from this chain, I know what to expect from the room.
Arriving at the Baha Mar, we drive over a very long bridge that crosses a man made lake (or large pond) and arrive at the landing / drop off area of the hotel. Everything looks really new, and the styles of design has some hints of Asian influence. Especially the two tigers greeting me at the entrance.. this is something I would expect from a Chinese establishment given the tiger's superstitious back story.

Beside the entrance, we can already see the Casino which is actually the main draw of this resort. It seems to be very empty at this moment, a complete contrast to Atlantis, but then again at this point, the resort has only been open for a few weeks.

The main lobby is actually quite impressive, it's very large and maintains a consistent style of decor throughout. It feels like a middle Asian / far east Asian fusion of styles.

The ceiling isn't as high as the Royal Towers at Atlantis, but it still feels very spacious.

The check-in desk is well presented with floral designs to match the general design theme of the hotel. Behind the desk, there seems to be a fish tank embedded into the wall with some Lion Fish inside.

Here is another look at the Casino.

As you can see, it's very very empty at this point, and there are many bored looking croupiers just waiting for someone to join their table.

As a non-gambler, i'm just another one of the spectators on the sidelines with not very much to watch!

Despite the clear lack of custom at the Casino, I am very impressed with it's layout and size. I especially like these massive crystal chandeliers in the Casino. Usually, I believe Casino's are well decorated with fancy adornments because of the amount of money they make from their customers, but in this case, I'm pretty sure they haven't made any money yet!

A bit further a long the casino, we have a luxury retail shopping area with some familiar brands here like Tiffany, Bvlgari, Breitling etc. They are actually not all open yet, and this is one of the reasons I found it quite frustrating to stay here. The fact that it feels not quite complete.
I'm always amazed to see Chinese restaurants wherever I travel to in the world. Probably because i'm curious as to where Chinese people end up living in the world.

Although I saw no evidence of a Chinese person working here, or owning this restaurant, I was pleasantly surprised to find dishes quite familiar to me and after a week of eating western food, it was really nice to eat something from back home.

This restaurant is called STIX and it is suppose to be a noodle bar.
Fried rice tasted a little Bahamian I must say, but it was still delicious.
Beef Noodle Soup - This is a must have if you decide to visit. I think this dish alone warrants a visit to this restaurant!
The theme of Baha Mar isn't as distinct as Atlantis. Actually it does use a lot of marine and sea life themes in it's decor as well.

The long corridors leading to the rooms show some nice preserved corals on display.

Now, let's move on and have a look at some more shots of the outside.

Much like the Royal Towers at Atlantis, Baha Mar consists of two main towers which are in this case exact mirrors of each other, and then a central building which is much smaller where the main lobby and Casino are.
At the front of the building, there is a very large diameter cylinder which functions as a formidable entrance, as well as a roundabout for coming in and out of the hotel in cars.

Below this roundabout is another below ground level of restaurants / shops. None of which are open!
Let's take a look inside the Hotel

This is the lift lobby, suddenly it is a very distinct white and blue colour theme. Quite different from the red carpets and red wall paper in the casino level.

I always like to see how hotels design their lifts. Because it can often be a indicator of whether they pay attention to details or not. If they do, the lifts will not be a standard metal cage, but rather a functional work of art, just like this one!

@goldmatters would love this.
Along the corridor, the theme changes to an aquatic one with fishes on the carpet showing the direction to my room.

It kind of reminds me of the Titanic actually.
Inside, the corridor smells like fresh paint. Probably everything has only just been painted for the very first time not so long ago.U5drcQKA62n5oWpr8bccd26fURjvr8r_1680x8400.jpg
Finally, this is my room. On the outside, the door has some very Chinese looking grooves. We're beginning to see alot of Chinese influence in the design. It's not surprising that the developers were the Chinese.

A narrow entrance that was barely wide enough for me to pull my large luggage in.
The Beach

Aside from the paddling pools, you also have access to a private beach. Those of you who can't live a day without "proper" swimming will enjoy the freedom to swim at full pelt in the calm waters of the sea.

A beautiful long pier stretching out into the sea marks the boundary for where the private beach begins for Baha Mar.

You can take a walk along it to see Cable beach in its entirety, as well as some of the other hotels and restaurants further along the beach.

The pier is also a great place to watch the sunset as it eclipses over the buildings.

Even though i'm not an avid swimmer, I do enjoy taking a dip into the sea and enjoy the natural currents of the sea as it pulls me in and out, up and down
The sunset is beautiful. I love how it blends the colours in the sky from blue to turquoise and then to orange, red and yellow.
There are so many places that I would consider to be paradise like in Bahamas. Watching the sunset along the pier above the calm ocean made me feel that this place deserves to be called paradise too.
How often do you get the opportunity to visit a pier and watch the sunset and be undisturbed by anybody else?

I guess this is one of the best things about visiting somewhere that not many other people know about just yet!
And that wraps up my review of Baha Mar resort, and also the conclusion to my series on Bahamas.

As a guest to both Atlantis and Baha Mar, I have a better point of reference to compare each one. And I would say that they offer quite a different experience overall. I don't believe that one would necessarily take custom from the other, rather they both offer something quite unique.

Atlantis has a strong lost city theme with rich marine aquatic life and Baha Mar wants to make your stay feel exclusive and enjoy the Bahamas beautiful natural beaches and ocean.

The only drawbacks that I can say about Baha Mar is that the majority of restaurants and shops have yet to open. Many people who visit resorts like this would expect to stay at the resort and not have to leave. Things like a wide selection of places to eat, and shop at would be considered part of the basic offering. Without them being open, I found myself with less things to explore and a few reasons to leave the hotel and go exploring else where.

This is one of the consequences of being one of the earliest guests at the resort, but a reality that must be noted!

It has been an absolute pleasure to share my experiences of my dream holiday in Bahamas, and I hope you guys enjoyed my series every bit as much as I did telling you my stories of it over Steemit.

You might have noticed that I've been fairly inactive recently, and that is because I've been travelling around somewhere new. With how hectic the travelling has been, I've only had the time to write a little bit each day!

Here's a little sneak preview of my new travels which I'll be blogging about starting from my next post!


If you liked my post, I appreciate the upvote very much, and do follow me to stay up to date with my adventures, and leave a comment to let me know what you think!

See you all in the next post!

今天我想带大家看看巴哈马首都拿骚新开的巴哈·马君悦酒店。这家开业不到2年的酒店目前还没有完工, 因为巴哈·马将成为岛上超越亚特兰蒂斯的度假村群,在2018年还会有rosewood at Ba Ha Mar即将开业。这个获得中国35亿美元投资的加勒比海地区超大型度假村酒店,汇集了五大酒店,除去有700间客房的君悦大酒店,也是目前唯一开业的一家,还有SLX LUX,Rosewood,1,000個房間及284套私人住宅的Baha Mar Casino & Hotel和Meliá at Baha Mar。



除了购物街,还有不少餐厅在赌场周边,一些是24小时营业的,比如这家我之前写过的和猪游泳的餐厅。爵士餐吧,有爵士乐队现场表演的小酒吧,在夜晚的时候非常浪漫有情调。还有暂时没开业的古色古香的Shuang Ba中餐厅,装饰的像北京的四合院,因为还没开业,我只好偷偷溜进去录了一段餐厅的环境,你会在视频里看到它的样子。毕竟是中国投资修建的,酒店里有不少中餐厅,下面这家是面吧,里面提供一些简单的小吃,因为它开到很晚,我正好饿肚子,就进去尝试了一下。餐厅装饰着海水蓝的颜色,还有各式各样的吊灯,非常好看。打开菜单就发现,价格不菲,大概是我平生吃过最贵的面,哈哈。不仅菜式种类不多,而且口味上不算非常地道的中餐,不过其实如果价格能便宜些,我还是很愿意多点一些尝尝的。下面是老干妈炒饭,里面有萝卜,青豆蔬菜做配料,味道不错。上面铺满鱼子的烧卖。还有香辣味的辣子鸡,吃起来很脆很软,像在吃薯片的感觉。最后是台式牛肉面,也就是这碗我吃过最贵的面。如果按照性价比衡量,我不会推荐大家来这家餐厅,毕竟它只是一碗牛肉面。走廊也迎合了酒店红色金色的主题,两边有漂亮的珊瑚艺术品陈列在玻璃窗里。特别值得一提的是,这家酒店的墙壁上大多展示了当地民间的艺术绘画作品,这几幅画神似咱们steemit的一位女明星呢,你们能猜出是谁吗?


