Innovative and Original Trash Cooking Challenge
Sweet sour salty food
Hi everyone, today I participate in a challenge that has created @rifkan . The goal of this challenge is to create a recipe ourselves and to show it step by step.And the only condition is to put a tag trashcooking .So I invite those who will reading this post to take part in the challenge. I decided to prepare a very unusual food today. And that's sweet sour salty food.

- fish fillet (I have chosen pangasius)
- <>green salad
- <>leafs dandelion
- <>nettle
- <>quail eggs
- <>avocado
- <>pineapple
- <>orange
- <>sour cream
- <>cheese
- <>lanseed
- <> sunflower seeds
- >pumpkin seeds
- <>coconut sugar
First make a salad of nettle, green salad and dandelion. Put them in a bowl, chop it as small as possible. Add oil, vinegar, and a little salt. All that good to shake. Finally, add finely chopped cheese. Salad is over
Then pour into the blender, lanseed, sunflower, pumpkin seeds and 1/2 avocado. Occasionally add water.
Then parsley, chop as small as possible. Combine with a sour creame. When you mix, add lanseed.
Pineapple cut into thin leaves. But first it needs to be cleaned.
Put the prepared fish to fry. The strength of the fire is not very strong. Let it be medium. And fry the fish for ten minutes.
In the end, you also have to fry two quail eggs.
The taste of this meal is stronger, and unusual. But I like the combination of sweet salty and sour taste.
Put one leaf of green salad first on the plate. Add the salad we've prepared before. The next component is the pineapple, through whom we put coconut sugar. Then we put the fish and two eggs, and pour orange juice.
Amazing post marko :) Thanks for participating in the challenge :)
thanks a lot
Zanimljiv recept, izgleda ukusno moracu da probam ovako nesto:)
Probaj, samo nije bas jednostavno. Ja sam npr stavio previse ananasa i jos neke sitne greske i ukus je bio prejak. A moj brat koji je profesionalni kuvar, kad on napravi to bude savrseno.