There should be more 'Trans' in Transhumanism

in #transgender7 years ago

Transhumanism is, at its root, about improving the human condition through the use of technology. This shows up in many ways from the development of better prosthetics to the development of mind machine interfaces. Its most focused form is that of the drive to solve the problem of aging itself. These are all ways in which we seek to improve our bodies and help us live longer and happier lives. Virtually everyone out there can benefit from these new technologies and likely will to some extent. Even those who have no desire to radically change their bodies will still find value in new medical applications and repairs to rebuild their existing bodies to better health.

There are many though who see these new technologies as opportunities to not just maintain but to enhance themselves to a state that they find superior to the one that was granted by chance and evolution. Controlled automodification has always been around in small forms such as piercings but has been kept from its full potential by limitations of the body itself. With those barriers falling futurists and the technologies they promote are starting to see opportunities for people to mold themselves to fit their visions. It is therefore somewhat surprising that one of the most ardent groups of individuals who frequently seek significant modification is not one which seems to connect with Transhumanism or Futurism.

Transgenderism is a state of being where people feel that they wish to be or otherwise identify with another body type. After all we are not defined by our bodies but our minds. Most people have a preference for a body in their minds though. Some people wish they were taller, others wish they had a little more meat on their bones or perhaps a different shade of hair. Beyond that piercings are a standard in many societies as are tattoos. These are long term or permanent changes to bodies that are more or less considered normal. Many of them are available now and have been available for quite a long time via technology. People have embraced these opportunities one at a time as it was learned how to do them and have sought new technologies to help decrease the cost and achieve ever more interesting variants. It is interesting then, that we have seen far less enthusiasm from the Transgender community for Transhumanism and the technology it supports.

To be sure there are many who are transgender who, while they may identify with another form or see themselves as another sex, for various reasons do not seek or desire to actually physically change themselves. However, even with this consideration there are many who are actively trying to change themselves or trying to find the best ways to do so. There is a whole process now in place to enable this to be accomplished to varying levels depending on the needs and desires of the individual.

These technologies to improve humans and their condition is precisely what transhumanism is based in and as others have mentioned this creates a clear alignment of purpose between these groups. Yet transhumanists do not seem particularly interested in connecting with Transgender individuals. Indeed it seems that many transgender folks have never heard of that ideology. Why is it that groups like this are being overlooked by transhumanists? Why is there so little outreach in this direction and what might be done to try and connect more with those who so clearly have an interest?


Not every trans person really cares about transhumanism just like not every Christian thinks we're of "the mark of the beast". The trans community is a very diverse group just like any other group. You'd think there'd also be more blind and deaf in the transhumanist community but so far I'm the only deaf transhumanist that I'm aware of. Shrug

Tell you what though, why don't YOU reach out to the trans community? :) I always say, be the change you want to see. I try my best to reach out and advocate for the deaf, you can do the same with trans and we'll tackle our respective groups in bringing them into the fold.

Also you can work with @KittyHPlus if she feels up to working with you. You both are trans and transhumanist. Just don't butt heads. ;) Again, not everyone in a community agrees with each other, so be nice and focus on what you have in common and set aside the differences.

One would never expect the whole populace of any group of people to be on board with an idea or philosophy. Especially, as you say, one as diverse as the Transgender population. However, there is every reason to wonder why more aren't interested in it which was what the questions in the article are driving at. The same could absolutely be said of the deaf community and anyone else who would stand to benefit from Transhumanist approaches to technology and social systems. The more the merrier and hopefully more successful so if a wider array of people can be reached it would be great. Transgender individuals do stand out a little in this regard though and make them especially interesting in terms of wondering why they are not as involved. The most notable simply being the scale to which many are interested in modification and customization. A group like the deaf or blind want one fairly specific feature repaired. A very important one to be sure but they are less likely to want to change so dramatically.

I wholeheartedly agree that I and anyone else I can convince to help should be reaching out as much as possible. In some ways this post was a step in that direction. To whatever extent possible it might be worth coordinating on some elements. After all the fundamental interest is similar - changes and improvements to the body. It will be a challenge to connect with the community but an interesting challenge to be sure and well worth the effort.

I will reach out to KittyHPlus and see what may be of interest.

Sweet. I know what you're getting at, I was merely explaining my reasoning and understood the article in question as to what meant by it. I'm merely reaffirming that we have to be the change we want to see. You being trans, will have a greater impact on the trans community that I would. Likewise with me and the deaf community, since I'm deaf, that's where I'd have any sort of impact. =3

I'm sure @KittyHPlus and you will have plenty to talk about, you have two interests that already align and at least one (Transhumanism) can form a friendship and see where things go from there.

Wish you the best in your approach with the transgender community inviting them into the transhumanist community! Best of luck!

Upvote for objectivity.

That's a great article, I'm not sure why either, but I can tell you that we exist, so yes please I'm happy to leave the meat behind. :)