All you need to know about the transfer of human head and the opinions of specialists

in #transfer7 years ago

A quick introduction to the definition of the subject for those who do not know:
Recently, the world's first human head transplant, planned by the Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero, sparked an uproar at the height of its talk in 2016, and then set its first date at the end of 2017 with a donor russian cut his head because his body paralyzed seat at a cost of 10 million dollars with 80 surgeons and for 36 hours !! As detailed in The New York Times:
This doctor plans to perform a human head transplant this year
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But this donor returned and retreat .. What embarrassed Professor Sergio - another donor was announced from China - and then spread with him the news of their intention to conduct the process in 2018 instead of the end of 2017
This is the story in short, but .. what scientists think, especially: with the recent news on the news sites and what he carried out the intimidation of (the success of the first human transplant), ignoring the reference in most of the headlines that it was actually two people (dead) !! I mean at least: there is no problem of rejection of the host body to the head as it happens in the transfers of organs! Which makes the dissemination of the news media in this image of deception is great where the logical question here:
By which criterion was the success of the operation judged?
Did the second dead declare, for example, that his head works without problems and that he does not feel pain or disorder? Does the dead speak? This is what we will highlight in this publication of the opinions of scholars in detail, God willing - and in the same easy way that reaches everyone so that no one manipulates people with such news

First, scientists react to the recent news
Where many news and media outlets published news (success) of human transfer (dead) - such news from the British Independent:
Head transplant surgeon claims he has successfully carried out procedure on corpses
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And that:
Although Professor Sergio did not provide any scientific paper in detail to judge on the basis of the success of what he says or not? To be determined on any hard basis (success) of the process of (dead): what he intends to do in the head of a human being!
The British Telegraph newspaper quoted British experts accusing Professor Sergio Canaviero of promoting false science:
British experts accused Prof Canavero of 'egotistical pseudoscience'
But others said that the surgeon said he would publish a scientific paper soon - and the question: What is the purpose of the announcement of such news before publishing a scientific paper? Is not it better and easier to publish the scientific paper first and then the declaration? Or is it related to the industry of media hype and accusations that have been directed to Professor Sergio for more than a year with his strange assertions that the success rate of the operation (which has not been done so far) is 90%!
This is the Telegraph news:
World's first human head transplant a success, controversial scientist claims
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With the spread of harsh scientific responses to the news of the success of the process on the (dead): Some news sites published scientific criticism of the news to appear at least impartiality in front of its readers - including the Independent newspaper itself, which we have just reported a news - back to publish a new story about attacking The scientific community of the process alleged by Professor Sergio, entitled:
Head transplant surgeon attacked by medical community after suggesting 'unethical and dangerous' operation is imminent
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Where the same scientific criticism of specialized transfer scientists and anatomy, especially in the matter of rejection of the body of the head and heads (because the success of the operation on two dead people means that there is no rejection of the host because the owner is dead) !! They even point out that even if the docking is successful, the most likely is the torment and pain of the transferred head and may not even be able to speak or shout to express what it is: then die after hours or days as it was in the operations carried out on animals from Before such as monkeys and rats (we will mention them shortly)! Says one of them as quoted by the article:
"I hope that this is not just another bogus pseudonym" !!
I hope this is not just egotistical pseudoscience
The scientists also pointed out that the lesson in the success of the process is when a person lives without problems after that: which did not happen in claiming the success of the operation on two people (dead) originally !!
The major problem also referred to by scientists is that: Separation of the spinal cord causes paralysis and can not cure healing !! They say that and they say specialists in cell renewal !! This means that the surgeon will try to connect the spinal cord again and this is scientifically not yet possible according to nerve specialists from the University of Edinburgh scientists
In other words: the claim of success of an experiment on (metin) in which the medical leap is enormous from nothing: it had to prove scientifically first the possibility of repair of the spinal cord before surgery - and this did not do originally !!

Second: Our previous topic in March 2016
This is what we conclude here for the importance and valuable speech of Dr. Arthur Kaplan - in which he briefly stated:
In 1959, Russian surgeon Vladimir Demikhov transferred a dog's head to the body of another dog, but was not lucky. The dog died because of the immune system's rejection of the head.
In 1970, the scientists performed a monkey head transplant in Ohio, and the process worked a bit, but lived briefly after the operation and died!
In 2002, doctors in Japan transferred a rat's head to another rat's body, but the recipient's rat head was not removed, so the operation ended with a two-headed rat!
Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canvero recently unveiled his intention to make the first human head lift in 2017, despite the concern of many.
In an interview with MedScape, Dr. Arthur Kaplan, a professor of biochemistry, currently a professor at New York University School of Medicine and a recipient of numerous awards in his field,
Head Transplant: Could This Irresponsible Procedure Really Take Place?
Link :
About the possibility of human head transfusions, and whether this procedure is applicable, Dr. Kaplen said:
"Dr. Sergio Canvero has announced that the time has come for a head transplant surgery. This process is literally done as follows:
He will take the head of a person on the verge of death and place it on the body of a person suffering from brain death, and after that he will merge them together, so that the person in need will have a new body, but who are the patients who will be eligible for this operation.
These people are suffering from dementia, their muscles are withered, or they can not walk or roam. Some also suggested that this process be an option for transgender people.
I think that all this is worthless, and completely unscientific, impotent, and ironic!
He says - d. Sergio - that he can do, and that he has a way to merge the spinal cord; because this is the main obstacle to doing such a procedure; merging the head with the body through the spinal cord, which is the main nerve carrier.
If Dr. Sergio knows how to do this, he should rather not carry out the transfer of the head, but help people with tragic spinal cord injuries, who are now paralyzed and unable to move.
There are hundreds of them around the world, we do not know how to solve their problem, and we do not know how to help them. If Dr. Sergio developed a way to re-grow nerve tissue, he has to shift his effort to that place.
He says that this process was performed previously in animals, where there were attempts by Russian scientists in 1910 to conduct the transfer of heads in dogs, and also in the monkeys in 1970 in Cleveland (Ohio), but these processes meaningless, as we do not know if it Those operations have led to them or not! As these animals lived for a few days and then died!
In addition, we need a huge amount of immune system inhibitors to prevent the body from rejecting the new head, which will often lead to a person with kidney failure or cancer anyway!
In addition to the obstacle to reintegrating the spinal cord, we do not know if the body will tolerate the amount of treatment that will be given to conduct this process.
Another problem that the Italian doctor did not mention, though important, is that this procedure - connecting a head to a body - is not that simple. The nervous system sends signals to the brain, and the brain begins to use and analyze these signals, swimming in chemical signals from the original body .
If a new head is placed on the body, we will produce a mentally ill person, because the neural signals will be completely different, and the brain will be completely disturbed or chaotic.
This action is not immoral because we do not have enough knowledge at all, but it is immoral even to think of such a procedure too, because of the serious danger of making a person unstable, lacking memory or suffering!
In organ transplant, we hardly know how to grow a face! And we still have problems in the success of liver transplantation, kidney, heart or even lung without weakening the health of the patient too much to accept his body process.
But this alleged brain transplantation is not one of our priorities in the near future, as I see it.
This action is related to society and arouses fear in it, and people may wonder why we trust scientists when they do such crazy things without controls ?! I'm not worried when I see someone's head on someone else's body, but I'm worried when I do not speak loudly when scientists or doctors claim irresponsible action like this! "