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RE: Ethereum TA: Where [was] the triangle!

in #trading7 years ago (edited)

I think solution is to use steemit all day long, I generally find it keeps me awake for most hours of the day and night, so that I manage to catch most of the moves up and avoid the really bad moves down ;)) but essentially, If you are making profits trading, my rule of thumb is to take some profits out and use those to put very very small positions on interesting ICOs and then re balance out to some good value alt coins. this way, I manage to sit through the drops that i miss a bit happier knowing that i took profits already. The other thing I do is to accept that I will never catch all the drops and get out in time, so it is therefore, a serious game of phsychology against myslef. can i get through the hard losses during the pull backs or am i too much of a chicken to hold through? Am I able to wait for the exact right moment to average down if I have gotten into trouble? but most importantly, can I learn to love the pains of being a trader, i mean really learn to love those difficult days and laugh at them! see them as part of the joys of trading, when the market drops say "Oh yes! I love this! BRING IT ON!!" And also I try to avoid going for a crap. whenever I crap, the market goes down. I should start and SMS trading indicator called the starkerz crapometer


Thanks for taking the time to write that - very Interesting to read!!
Agree about having to have to right attitude - all trades whether good or bad are part of job - as are factors that you can't control either😂

thanks for empathising with my rant! with trading, my opinion is that the only thing u can control is ur mind and ur reactions to the market everything else is just noise and time :))