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RE: Awesome PAY trade yesterday, and how to use Volume on a chart

in #trading7 years ago

Hi, love your videos! Absolute pure gold! Sorry for several questions. I hope you have time to answer them someday.

  1. Is there a minimum % you usually always take the first trade lets say eth usd is at 200 now and the base get cracked. Would you put your first bet to 180usd and next to 160usd (20%) next to 140usd (30%). Do you always use the same percentages, what would be good quideline to set orders.

  2. You mentioned you use more money the lower it goes because its safer. Lets use previous example and lets say you have 1000 usd to trade. How large order you use in 10% drop and the next and the next. Would it be something like 100usd to 10%, 200usd to 20% drop, 300usd to 30% drop and rest if it gets any lower and sell somewhere like 195 all. How would you diversify that order. What % drop is considered huge opportunity?

  3. Do you sell most of your holdings at base and when do you decide to let it ride and not selling that in base like in eos trade? You often mention like there is huge 40% move up from bottom to top and base you started is in halfway of that. So in order you to get that 40% you should enter and exit perfectly while the safe way to play is 20% profit. I think that is a bit misleading.

  4. About bankroll. Lets say you can afford to lose your bankroll, 1000 usd in this case. I quess in ethereum you can trade it all when base cracks. What about other coins. What % of your bankroll you usually trade.

  5. You said you have 30 coins in your watchlist. Can you mention your top 5-10 you like to trade with great consistency like in ethereum and where new traders could start their journey.

  6. Is there an easy way to figure out how large amounts of money you can trade by looking volume or something else. How could you easily determine how much money you can trade with without getting risk of not getting your orders filled at top for example.

  7. Where do you find the news most fastest like in pay trade case. Do you just keep googling pay every 5 minutes or do you use forums, newspages or what.

I think these all questions we all would like to know.

Thank you for any help!

  1. no, i dont use the same percentages.. and I have never ever seen a base crack on ETH that didnt pay, so im not worried about any trade that I take on that coin.... There really isnt an exact science to the percentages, you are dealing with a ton of human traders, so every dip goes down a different amount, there is no way to predict the size of the panic drop you will get..

  2. you have to guage the drop by the length of other drops in the past.. so if you are aproaching one of the deepest drops compared to all the others in the past 2 months or so, i would jump in heavy

  3. EOS i want to hold longterm, but i dont have any right now, because of the situation (1year of dilution) but yes i keep a little of every trade as coins in profit and store them away.. i keep different amounts based on how much profit i made on the trade... if i made 20% on the trade, then i might keep 20% of the coins for the future..

  4. Risk verses reward.. so if its very safe like ETH then my buys might be as big as 50% of my account.. if its less safe like AMP, then i might risk 2% of my account

  5. Steem for sure LBC, UBQ, SNGLS, BLITZ.. those are a few of the ones ive taken alot of trades on lately

  6. Time and Sales.. you just want to watch the tape and look at level two to see what is normal for the stock, you want to blend in with normal orderflow

  7. I watch troll boxes if I am in a trade that dived for what traders might be saying..

These very important questions you have asked.I'm looking forward to answers from luc