Major 🔳🔗CryptoMarket Crashes Last Nite📉 That Means Buy 💱⏳Time
Now...You might be Asking yourself...if the Market 📊🔥Crashes..isn't that a WARning 📡to Get out FAST😵??!
The Bottom Chart explains What to Do when BTC Rises against everything. .You see while I was taking sneak peeks and wondering in and out of the Troll Box...something happened. .. ETH went Kray Kray
I Mean I'm sitting there Like Buy...Sale...Exchange...Holy...This is Kray...and Then..The Bottom Dropped out on the Exchange. ..What did I do Next?
🐳💨💩 Dump
mixed with Global Panic LMFO_^😂PRETTY KOOL STUFF...RIGHT?
So...what I did next was ..I ate Like a Little Fat Kid and His Cousin at The 🍬👪🍫🍭Candies Family Reunion🙅😱. That's Right. . When the Markets come Splashing Down...Remember there is No Stopping This Train Called Crypto🚇. So...Next Time you see some Craziness Happening and it's like always around 3am-5am Central Time for Me..this past Week anyways. .Run 🏆🌈⛅🏃🚶to THE GOLD!! CHECK COMMENTS TO SEE WHAT I TRADED
LETS Get 2 Know EachOther. ..

So...What Did I Exchange💱 for Anyways?
well it was very Goal from the Last Crash a Few days ago was to pick up some ETH...LTC...MGO and always bitties so it was a Wild Ride. . I traded some ICO BNT i got for .3 ETH and sold them for .25 BTC mission Over. . . Nope..then the Market turned again like in the very next instant...and I was Frozen😨...what to Do? Holy smack everything on ETH side just Dropped...what I couldn't buy Before I was slamming it Home...went to myetherwallet and took almost everything i can not sleep..or i can set a Stop Loss trade and go to sleep and incase of any tomfollery. Trades will make me the Value i expected. .