
not even close to that. but i ask for factual information. to dream I would post under "fantasy". as far as I know you came to tell me and my readers I was wrong, telling people to do the opposite of what i was saying and all based on your word.. as far as I know if price of btc rises 1k$ in anticipation of the fork then the coins weren't free... not even close.
an opinion comes with "i think" you were absolute... now that you might be wrong is opinion... funny
20% profit with a 4% risk... damn dumb move i made there

My words are not absolute, you are assuming that... I dont have to say "i think" every time i give an opinion...
Also i never told anyone to do anything not even close LOL
I never said you made a dumb move not even close either
You got profit and thats cool, so why are you so angry with me?
Be happy my friend! :D

again. i am not angry and again... it is forever recorded in the blockchain... you DID say it was going up and only up and that charts are useless basically... but whatever... im used to your kind of "predictors". again 0 facts
I am happy =)

LOL, that is what you interpreted ... Well actually, BTC haven't got down yet... It is still above 5700 which is still high... And I think it will go up this month even further, I think it will correct on December...
Charts are useful, but they cant predict the future... Every time you make an investment based on charts, you have a 50% chance of wining...
Sorry i don't write I think on every sentence, that is a bit boring LOL
Cheers mate! ;)

lul.. pathetic. affirmations are that.... affirmations... . but whatever Mr predictor. i am out as you replyed 3 times and said nothing. just dodge it. but please stay out of my blog. specially to make claims you will not back later on

I can make comments any where i like dude... You are still angry LOL (well, maybe not angry, i really dont know the word in English)... You cant really avoid people from commenting your blog, you have to learn to manage comments you don't like...
Just don't take thinks so personal and don't get "angry" man...
You actually said you took 20% profit? how? :D

12%(5x with margin) up 6%(11x with margin) down and counting that's how. do whatever you like. I said stay out. if you want to come and spite please do so =)
you can make comments. specially the ones that make you look really stupid like predicting a crash based on feelings. and you keep saying i am mad, which now is true since you came here as a predictor and you cannot even back/admit a claim forever recorded in the blockchain. i cannot avoid you commenting but your 1500sp will be worthless once you come to trash talk with no facts again. see ya.

Man i am so sorry you are so burnt and hurt by my comments... All i can do is apologize for making you feel bad, it was not my intention... Also you miss interpreted me, i am far from predicting anything... If you think i look stupid, thats ok, i really dont have any problem with that :D stupid i am...